Tuesday, November 26, 2019
the pearl essay by john steinbeck
the pearl essay by john steinbeck the pearl essay by john steinbeck English 11 â€Å"That ranch we’re goin to is down there about a quarter mile. We’re gonna go in an’ see the boss. Now, look I’ll give him the work tickets, but you aint gonna say a word.†Prejudice plays a significant role in Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. In many instances, characters are pushed aside. Some characters who are pushed aside are Curley’s wife, Crooks, and Lennie. Prejudice destroys people’s lives. In the novel, Curelys wife is discriminated because of her gender. During this time period, women are basically nothing to the men on the ranch. Steinbeck does not even give her a name. This woman is just simply known as â€Å"Curley’s wife.†For example, Curley attempts to find her in the bunkhouse and says â€Å"you seen a girl around here.†In addition to that, nobody even wants to speak to her as the men would like to talk and have discussions with other guys and men as they show prejudice towards her. The idea of prejudice can single handily ruined Crooks life on the ranch a living nightmare. Since Crooks is of the African American decent, he was placed in a small shed. This shed had isolated him to sleep and stay at night. Unfortunately, he was separated from everybody else on the ranch. When Crooks attempts to show self-pride, Curley’s Wife immediately shuts him down. She says â€Å"listen n*****†. On top of being judged, Crooks was kicked in the back by a horse. That is why he is now a hunched back and does not have much going for him in life. The life of Lennie was ruined for him by him being mentally slower than others. He was impacted by the act of being discriminated for his amount
Saturday, November 23, 2019
3 Types of Faulty In-Line Lists
3 Types of Faulty In-Line Lists 3 Types of Faulty In-Line Lists 3 Types of Faulty In-Line Lists By Mark Nichol This post includes three examples of how sentences can go wrong because the writer has failed to support the sentence structure with the proper syntactical arrangement of words and phrases in relation to each other. Discussion after each example explains the problem, and one or more revisions demonstrate solutions. 1. The training materials should be communicated in a way that is clear, appropriate for the users, and highlights the key benefits of the change. This type of sentence is flawed in that the writer mistakenly assumes that a verb serves more than one list item, and therefore leaves one or more items bereft of support. Here, â€Å"appropriate for the users†requires its own verb (â€Å"is appropriate for the users†) to complement â€Å"is clear,†and the phrase beginning with highlights must be attached by a conjunction to, rather than separated with a comma from, the sentence element with which it shares a verb (with the insertion of a corresponding preposition for the first element and a complementary pronoun for the final one): â€Å"The training materials should be communicated in a way that is clear to and appropriate for the users and that highlights the key benefits of the change.†2. Operational risk incidents can result in significant losses to the company, the industry, and, ultimately, to investors. This sentence has an error similar to that of the previous example, but in this case, a preposition, rather than a verb, is expected to handle a syntactical burden it is not qualified to carry- â€Å"the industry,†just like â€Å"the company†and investors, must have its own preposition: â€Å"Operational risk incidents can result in significant losses to the company, to the industry, and, ultimately, to investors.†(Alternatively, all three elements can share the first instance of the preposition: â€Å"Operational risk incidents can result in significant losses to the company, the industry, and, ultimately, investors.†) 3. Traditional financial institutions have significantly enhanced their risk and compliance programs by increasing resources, clarifying roles and responsibilities, upgrading their governance frameworks, as well as maintaining higher levels of capital. Here, a list is treated as if it consists of four items, but as constructed, the sentence has three items followed by a related item set off by the phrase â€Å"as well as†; because the last item is not part of the list, the item that does finish the list must be preceded by a conjunction: â€Å"Traditional financial institutions have significantly enhanced their risk and compliance programs by increasing resources, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and upgrading their governance frameworks, as well as maintaining higher levels of capital.†Better yet, simply incorporate the final phrase, for which distinctive treatment has no justification, into the list: â€Å"Traditional financial institutions have significantly enhanced their risk and compliance programs by increasing resources, clarifying roles and responsibilities, upgrading their governance frameworks, and maintaining higher levels of capital.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using "a" and "an" Before Words3 Cases of Complicated Hyphenation20 Movies Based on Shakespeare Plays
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Transformation from Data to information Coursework
Transformation from Data to information - Coursework Example As a nursing practitioner, I had to use an EHR data repository while examining a child with tonsillitis. Upon examining the conditions of the boy and entering those to the computer system, there were plenty of data matching his condition and examination results in the repository. The repository then gave further accumulated information about the health of the boy over time. Among the information were health providers assessments of his previous conditions and action that the clinician undertook on the conditions. In addition, there were more evaluations of the boys clinical problem over his life trajectory. From the data and information I instantly gained clinical knowledge of the boy without him having to narrate his condition and previous conditions. With the knowledge, it was easy to diagnose and compare his situation more accurately and provide the best appropriate treatment for his cure (NI2006 & Murray 2007). Access to and contribution to the amassing body of an individuals specific health information in the EHRs supports Professional collaboration. The EHR provides an interesting assortment of qualitative data (e.g., evaluation of care efforts or patient narratives) AND quantitative data (e.g., lab values or vital signs). In addition, there are transactional data (e.g., delivered medications or performed tests). Such data when studied over time leads to increase in wisdom on nursing practices (McGonigle & Mastrian
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A presentation - Essay Example Moriz Kaposi proponed there were two types of lupus erythematosus: the disseminated form and the discoid form. In 1904, Osler in Baltimore and Jadassohn in Vienna firmly established the existence of a disseminated form of lupus. Other than the discovery of the LE Cell, there were two other immunologic markers realized to be associated with lupus: the biologic false-positive test for syphilis12 and the immune-fluorescent test for antinuclear antibodies. Medical reports have revealed the extent to which lupus erythematous has spread within the population. The ration as it stands is between 20 to 150 cases in every 100,000 people. If we zero in on the United States, the pervasiveness of the disease is estimated at around 53 cases in every 100,000. While working in Baltimore, Moore carried out a study which drew the conclusion that systemic lupus developed in 7 percent of the 148 subjects who suffered from chronic false-positive tests for syphilis and also, a further 30 percent of the same number had symptoms consistent with collagen disease. Medical reports have revealed that prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in the population is 20 to 150 cases per
Sunday, November 17, 2019
School Funding Essay Example for Free
School Funding Essay Youre a ninth grader at a school in Philadelphia. The neighborhood is poor, even if not all of the students are. Your school has very little money for things like computers or technology. You walk into second period one day, sit down, and discover that the floor next to your desk is damp. The teacher explains that there is a leak in the roof, and that the school cant afford to fix it. The school cant afford to fix the leak or buy computers because it is inadequately funded. So the government kindly lends your school the money to not only fix the leak, but buy computers. But does that necessarily motivate you to improve your grades? Do you suddenly decide to do your homework because the leak is fixed? Probably not. The government sees that your grades remained the same, and two years later, when our school needs to hire more teachers and make the classes smaller, the government denies the school that money. They say that since money didnt help your grades last time, why should it help you now? But the truth is that smaller classes and better teachers do improve student achievement. Members of our government claim that giving more money to schools will not make a difference, but the government funding for schools needs to be used effectively to see a change in student performance. (Connell) The reason that some schools cant do things like buy computers and maintain their buildings to begin with is because the school funding system is so ineffective. The US government pays only 7% of all school money, and the rest is up to the states and the tax payers. Whatever money the states wont pay is paid as school tax, part of your property taxes, which are higher or lower depending on how much your home is worth. But this means that schools in poor neighborhoods get little money while wealthy schools, like ours, get nearly all they need. You dont see any leaky roofs in our school. Even if the state pays a lot of money, that still doesnt mean that the schools are well funded. In Hawaii, there is only one school district, and the state pays for nearly all of that districts funding. Only 2% comes from property tax, and the rest comes out of income tax. But think about the industry in Hawaii- farming and tourism, two low income industries. 73% of Hawaiis schools report a need for expensive building repair that they cant afford on their own, and there is only one computer for every sixteen students. Even funded evenly by the state, Hawaiis schools are still under funded, and it has been predicted that by 2010, Hawaii will need 760 new classrooms. (National Education Association. ) Where will this money come from? It is up to the national government to make the difference in school funding. Take Pennsylvania for example. The Philadelphia school district is near bankruptcy. The debate goes on over whether to privatize the schools or not. If the schools are privatized, it means that a wealthy company will take over the district and fund it. The only problem with this is that the company now has the power to control everything in the district, including teacher salary, equipment, and even curriculum. Now if you were a business owner looking to make money, and not looking to educate children, you would most likely chose to change the curriculum to fit your own financial ambitions. It would be completely within the limits of the law for the company that owned these schools to dumb down the curriculum in order to save money, thus lowering the level of education received by students in Philadelphia. And what would be the first to go? Sports, Art, music, drama, and any other subject that isnt included on the standardized tests or SATs. How would you like to go to a school where there is no football team, no marching band, no cheerleading, no chorus, no trips to the State Drama Conference? Thats where schools in Philadelphia are headed. (Snyder) Compare that to my school district, just a short drive away. Every teacher has a laptop and every student has Internet access. Were looking at new classrooms of the future, where every kid gets a personal computer and all board work is done on a high tech projector. We have a Frisbee team, for heavens sake. And some schools dont even have money for textbooks. Inequality in school funding is so widespread that fixing it would mean a lot of work for government officials. But while they ponder how to fix it, the least they could do is help out the already failing schools. Nearly one fifth of all schools are considered high poverty, which means that three quarters of the students in these school qualify for free or reduced lunch. A study of 40,000 students by the US Department of Education showed that students in poor school districts, even if they came from wealthy to middle class families, scored two grade levels lower than the national average in math, and four levels lower in reading. (Overview) The government needs to be willing to help these schools with things like staff training and building maintenance. They should not hold it against the school if revamping the building doesnt improve student grades. What the government is doing, in essence, in punishing the victims of its own inept system. The assumption that money doesnt help kids in school is just that- an assumption. Money can make a huge difference, but a lot of the time it is wasted or used inappropriately. One school district began a highly expensive program to help kids doing poorly in school. The aides helping with the program did exactly what they were told, and reported all the progress made by kids in the program, which was little. It was a long time before the teachers participating in the program realized that it was useless, and that the money had been wasted. (Connell) If the National government is going to help fund failing schools, those schools do need to be held, to a certain extent, accountable for that money. In Philadelphia, so much money was wasted that the sate and national government now refuse to help fund it any longer. What is needed is a system to make sure that money given to the school is used effectively, so a tragedy like Philadelphia doesnt repeat itself. It is also important to remember that computers do not heal all wounds- they are not a magic pill to improve grades. But teachers are. The important thing in school is teaching. A recent study showed the link between class size and grades by placing a random selection of children into three groups- a large group with one teacher, a medium group with two teachers, and a small group with one teacher. It was shown that kids in smaller classes with well trained teachers did much better than those in larger classes, even if the teacher had an aide to help. And the students who benefited the most, believe it or not, were those who came from families with less income. (Connell) Why? Possibly because they dont receive that kind of one on one attention at home, or possibly just because a smaller class is easier for a teacher to handle. Either way, the goal is achieved. Kids who live in the city and poorer neighborhoods deserve the same education as the rest of us, and if their schools cant pay for it, the government should. Helping the country is the governments job, but how are they able to help anyone if they cant start with Americas children? Our constitution states that All men are created equal, but these day that means kids too. Our education sets the tone for the rest of our lives-from getting a job to providing for a family and having knowledge of the real world. Giving some students a better education than others, just because of the value of their home, is unconstitutional. If the present system doesnt provide the resources for schools to provide an equal education for all, then the government needs to pick up the slack of their own system. The money given to the schools by the government must be used effectively if a change is desired, and the way to do that is by hiring better teachers and making class size smaller. If the school itself cannot afford to educate its students, then the government needs to provide the school with the money to do so. Theyre Americas children too. Works Cited Overview. School Funding Inequity.  ©2000. Noreen Connell. Under Funded Schools-Why Money Matters. School funding Inequity. March/April 1998.  ©2000. NEA Government Relations. School Modernization Facts- Hawaii. National Education Association Website. May 23, 2001. Susan Snyder. PA to study school district finances The Philadelphia Inquirer. December 4, 2001. Julie green and Erica Lepping. Education Report- Shows Poverty Linked to Student Achievement. School Funding Inequity. Sptember 8, 1998.  ©2000. Funding Schools Appropriately Youre a ninth grader at a school in Philadelphia. The neighborhood is poor, even if not all of the students are. Your school has very little money for things like computers or technology. You walk into second period one day, sit down, and discover that the floor next to your desk is damp. The teacher explains that there is a leak in the roof, and that the school cant afford to fix it. The school cant afford to fix the leak or buy computers because it is inadequately funded. So the government kindly lends your school the money to not only fix the leak, but buy computers. But does that necessarily motivate you to improve your grades? Do you suddenly decide to do your homework because the leak is fixed? Probably not. The government sees that your grades remained the same, and two years later, when our school needs to hire more teachers and make the classes smaller, the government denies the school that money. They say that since money didnt help your grades last time, why should it help you now? But the truth is that smaller classes and better teachers do improve student achievement. Members of our government claim that giving more money to schools will not make a difference, but the government funding for schools needs to be used effectively to see a change in student performance. (Connell) The reason that some schools cant do things like buy computers and maintain their buildings to begin with is because the school funding system is so ineffective. The US government pays only 7% of all school money, and the rest is up to the states and the tax payers. Whatever money the states wont pay is paid as school tax, part of your property taxes, which are higher or lower depending on how much your home is worth. But this means that schools in poor neighborhoods get little money while wealthy schools, like ours, get nearly all they need. You dont see any leaky roofs in our school. Even if the state pays a lot of money, that still doesnt mean that the schools are well funded. In Hawaii, there is only one school district, and the state pays for nearly all of that districts funding. Only 2% comes from property tax, and the rest comes out of income tax. But think about the industry in Hawaii- farming and tourism, two low income industries. 73% of Hawaiis schools report a need for expensive building repair that they cant afford on their own, and there is only one computer for every sixteen students. Even funded evenly by the state, Hawaiis schools are still under funded, and it has been predicted that by 2010, Hawaii will need 760 new classrooms. (National Education Association. ) Where will this money come from? It is up to the national government to make the difference in school funding. Take Pennsylvania for example. The Philadelphia school district is near bankruptcy. The debate goes on over whether to privatize the schools or not. If the schools are privatized, it means that a wealthy company will take over the district and fund it. The only problem with this is that the company now has the power to control everything in the district, including teacher salary, equipment, and even curriculum. Now if you were a business owner looking to make money, and not looking to educate children, you would most likely chose to change the curriculum to fit your own financial ambitions. It would be completely within the limits of the law for the company that owned these schools to dumb down the curriculum in order to save money, thus lowering the level of education received by students in Philadelphia. And what would be the first to go? Sports, Art, music, drama, and any other subject that isnt included on the standardized tests or SATs. How would you like to go to a school where there is no football team, no marching band, no cheerleading, no chorus, no trips to the State Drama Conference? Thats where schools in Philadelphia are headed. (Snyder) Compare that to my school district, just a short drive away. Every teacher has a laptop and every student has Internet access. Were looking at new classrooms of the future, where every kid gets a personal computer and all board work is done on a high tech projector. We have a Frisbee team, for heavens sake. And some schools dont even have money for textbooks. Inequality in school funding is so widespread that fixing it would mean a lot of work for government officials. But while they ponder how to fix it, the least they could do is help out the already failing schools. Nearly one fifth of all schools are considered high poverty, which means that three quarters of the students in these school qualify for free or reduced lunch. A study of 40,000 students by the US Department of Education showed that students in poor school districts, even if they came from wealthy to middle class families, scored two grade levels lower than the national average in math, and four levels lower in reading. (Overview) The government needs to be willing to help these schools with things like staff training and building maintenance. They should not hold it against the school if revamping the building doesnt improve student grades. What the government is doing, in essence, in punishing the victims of its own inept system. The assumption that money doesnt help kids in school is just that- an assumption. Money can make a huge difference, but a lot of the time it is wasted or used inappropriately. One school district began a highly expensive program to help kids doing poorly in school. The aides helping with the program did exactly what they were told, and reported all the progress made by kids in the program, which was little. It was a long time before the teachers participating in the program realized that it was useless, and that the money had been wasted. (Connell) If the National government is going to help fund failing schools, those schools do need to be held, to a certain extent, accountable for that money. In Philadelphia, so much money was wasted that the sate and national government now refuse to help fund it any longer. What is needed is a system to make sure that money given to the school is used effectively, so a tragedy like Philadelphia doesnt repeat itself. It is also important to remember that computers do not heal all wounds- they are not a magic pill to improve grades. But teachers are. The important thing in school is teaching. A recent study showed the link between class size and grades by placing a random selection of children into three groups- a large group with one teacher, a medium group with two teachers, and a small group with one teacher. It was shown that kids in smaller classes with well trained teachers did much better than those in larger classes, even if the teacher had an aide to help. And the students who benefited the most, believe it or not, were those who came from families with less income. (Connell) Why? Possibly because they dont receive that kind of one on one attention at home, or possibly just because a smaller class is easier for a teacher to handle. Either way, the goal is achieved. Kids who live in the city and poorer neighborhoods deserve the same education as the rest of us, and if their schools cant pay for it, the government should. Helping the country is the governments job, but how are they able to help anyone if they cant start with Americas children? Our constitution states that All men are created equal, but these day that means kids too. Our education sets the tone for the rest of our lives-from getting a job to providing for a family and having knowledge of the real world. Giving some students a better education than others, just because of the value of their home, is unconstitutional. If the present system doesnt provide the resources for schools to provide an equal education for all, then the government needs to pick up the slack of their own system. The money given to the schools by the government must be used effectively if a change is desired, and the way to do that is by hiring better teachers and making class size smaller. If the school itself cannot afford to educate its students, then the government needs to provide the school with the money to do so. Theyre Americas children too. Works Cited Overview. School Funding Inequity.  ©2000. Noreen Connell. Under Funded Schools-Why Money Matters. School funding Inequity. March/April 1998.  ©2000. NEA Government Relations. School Modernization Facts- Hawaii. National Education Association Website. May 23, 2001. Susan Snyder. PA to study school district finances The Philadelphia Inquirer. December 4, 2001. Julie green and Erica Lepping. Education Report- Shows Poverty Linked to Student Achievement. School Funding Inequity. Sptember 8, 1998.  ©2000.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights Essay -- Emily Bronte Wuthering Heigh
Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights 1) The story takes place in the early XIXth century. There are two characters in this extract : Mr Lockwood and Catherine Linton. Mr Lockwood is the first narrator of this novel, he was one of Mr Heathcliff's tenants. At the beginning of the story , there were three characters : Heathcliff, a foundling, his sister Catherine and his brother Hindley. Catherine fell in love with Heathcliff, but was married with Edgar Linton. So, the second character we meet here is Catherine Linton, Edgar Linton's daughter. This extract belongs to the end of the novel. Catherine comes back to the farm Wuthering Heights, she tries to get in the house trough the window. Mr Lockwood, which had read Catherine's diary, does not recognize her. 2) In this text, Mr Lockwood is in his bed room at Wuthering Heights, he is alone and he had to stay in the farm because of the snow. He is disturbed by the gusty wind and the incessant move of the fir-bough. So he tries to stop this teasing noise, opening the window and seizing the branch. When his fingers grabbed the branch, another cold hand caught his. Then the context makes the text become an ambiguous experience and we can say that this extract is set between sanity and madness to some extents. First of all, we will see that this text relates an ambiguous experience. The atmosphere is gloomy : Mr Lockwood is alone in an isolated farm, everithing is dark around him and there are many teasing noises. So we can say that the atmosphere is quite nightmarish. Mr Lockwood had found Catherine Linton's diary, and he had read it. So he knows the passion between Catherine Linton and Mr Heathcliff, the owner of Wuthering Heights. The first contact between... ...ieve that what he is living is a hallucination, a product of his imagination because nothing seems to be real. Maybe that the excessive feelings mentionned are caused by Mr Lockwood's imagination ; for the reader, the atmosphere is not very threatening. As in many pre-Romantic novel, the nightmarish atmosphere, symbolised by the darkness, the moor, the winter, is the source of imagination and also of fear : imagination and extreme feelings like fear are linked together. We could make a link between this novel from Emily Bront and the short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, like in The Raven for example. Indeed, Poe wrote his short stories in the same period as Emily Bront. In The Raven, the power of imagination, the supranatural and the unreal have also a great place, and we could note, as in Wuthering Heights, that the feelings expressed are often excessive.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ghandi Essay
Andreas Mazarakis –Chapel Hill Academy–English 10 Daphne Smith 5/15/13 â€Å"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.†This is one of Mahatma Gandhi’s most famous quotes and I think it embodies all he believed in and his mission that he spent his adult life trying to fulfill. Gandhi stood for the freedom that his people desperately needed. Mahatma Gandhi worked tirelessly to end discrimination in South Africa, and to separate India from the grasps of Great Britain. Gandhi was an idol to many people and led a great following down a path of love and respect. He treated people with kindness in the hopes that others would do what was right. I think that Mahatma Gandhi was a very wise person. â€Å"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind†is a quote that empowers thoughts of non-violence and toleration. A world without men and women like Gandhi would be a world that had violence and wars to solve every problem. There are ways to put a solution to work that Gandhi used with all of his conflicts. â€Å"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.†I think that in today’s world this quote relates very closely to the ever present threat of nuclear warfare. The world has enough nuclear weapons to demolish the entire planet 6 times over. Gandhi’s quote suggests that if you take an eye for every eye you’ve lost, the entire world will be left, eyeless. If North Korea, was to nuke America, and America retaliated to iran and so on. The world would destroy itself. Gandhi was wise before his time and the world needs to rest in an era of peace. That starts with each Individual helping to make the world a better place.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Loss Of Innocence Essay (Grade Ten Advanced Placement, Non-Revised Version) Essay
Often, we as humans tend to separate ourselves from stories and myths. If a story is fictitious, we immediately dismiss any possibility of relating and learning from it. However, some archetypal events and themes observed in literature may be far more real than we wish to admit. The loss of innocence is one such archetype. Despite having broad definition, the effects of the loss of innocence are narrow. Commonly, an innocent or ignorant individual experiences an event or realization causing a shift towards experience and knowledge. Archetypes are present in Roman and Greek myths, and are still used today, sometimes unknowingly, in stories, songs, and poems. This is likely because it is a reflection of events in our own lives, to a certain extent. The innocence of youth, prevalence of a life-changing event, and experience of adults are all observed in life and literature alike. Before a shift towards the knowledge and understanding associated with experience, the loss of innocence archetype explains that a person is first unknowing, or ignorant. Innocence is often identified through a belief in, among other things, the reliability of appearances, stability & permanence, and immortality. Many literary figures concerning in the loss of innocence are youthful, although don’t unreservedly have to be so. Pandora, the first woman in Greek mythology, embodies many of these traits. In the myth Pandora’s Box, she is portrayed as being assuming and curious. Given a gift from each god, Pandora is created with the intent of her opening the vase also gifted to Epimitheus. Her decision to open the vase, as Zeus had anticipated, is reflective of her personality. She is asked not to do so, but goes against her husband’s request. Pandora believes that she will not be harmed opening the vase, life shall continue as before, and the vase is simply a container, nothing more. Primarily, this is because of her belief in immortality, stability & permanence, and the reliability of appearances. Consequently, both her and Epimitheus are punished and suffer from her decision. Other stories, like Adam and Eve, also deal with the idea of a prohibited object or action. Traits observed in these stories are generally associated with children in real life. Before young individuals gain experience and maturity, their curiosity, supported by a belief in the reliability of appearances, and inability to identify danger, or belief of immortality and stability, may cause them to endanger themselves such as Pandora did when opening the vase. In youth, this may be attempting to descend stairs or performing a dangerous action when told not to. Instances seen among older children may include disobeying parents to go out, or committing a crime because of friends. Within the loss of innocence archetypal event, a person experiences a life-changing event or realization, often in their late youth, before they can move towards experience or knowledge. As one initially moves from innocence to experience they may feel resentment, insecurity, or sorrow. Before they accept their new understandings and responsibilities, they may first see hypocrisy. The fairytale, Hansel and Gretel, is one of many examples illustrating this. Before they are held captive by the witch, Hansel And Gretel are seemingly carefree despite being removed from their home. Their misled views on the gingerbread house’s safety and appearance lead to their imprisonment, and potential death. As the story progresses, Hansel and Gretel devise and act upon a plan to free themselves. The story ends as the children reunite with their father after overcoming seemingly certain death. However, not all is the same after the children’s return. They have realized the deceptiveness of appearances, the ability of things and people to change, and that them themselves could have died. Their experience had caused a shift towards experience and knowledge, allowing them to escape. Other notable stories using a comparable format include How To Kill A Mockingbird and Lord Of The Flies. Outside literature, there are several reasons why a person might experience the loss of innocence. The death of a parent, friend, or loved one, is a broad example. However, the loss of innocence may be caused by simpler events, such as moving away from a friend’s neighborhood or losing a childhood keepsake. The loss of one’s innocence is not limited to an event; some may lose their innocence through philosophizing or reflecting upon their past, accepting new and different ideas about the world. As an individual shifts towards experience or knowledge, their beliefs are also said to change. The reliability of appearances, stability & permanence, and immortality are replaced with beliefs that appearances are deceptive, things and people change, and people do not live infinitely. Popular characters in cinema, such as Yoda, in Star Wars, or Gandalf, from Lord Of The Rings, both embody these traits. An experienced or knowledgeable character, however, does not absolutely have to be old. Athena, a goddess featured in Greek Mythology, also displays many of these characteristics. In the myth Athena And Arachne, Athena is challenged to try her weaving and embroidery skills against those of Arachne under the condition that if she wins, Arachne is to pay with her life. Athena attempts to convince Arachne to bow down from the challenge, however, cannot make her see the error in her decision. Arachne stands by her words, assuming she will not be harmed, Athena will be an equal competitor, and that life will continue as before. In this situation, Arachne is portrayed as being innocent, or ignorant. Subsequently, Arachne loses to Athena who decides to spare her life instead turning her in to a spider. Athena recognizes that she could have let Arachne to die, although, also recognizes that people have the capacity to change and so lets Arachne experience her guilt and shame. Her experience, or knowledge, allows her to make this decision. Teachers, parents, or other people who play a role in mentorship or leadership are commonly said to be experienced or knowledgeable. An experienced person in real life accepts themselves, their understanding of the world, and their responsibilities. As a society, we are consistently changing and refining ourselves. If one incident has been consistent throughout human history, it has been the capability to influence and create change. Although the loss of innocence may not be a large change, it defines the difference between youth and adult, a concept that has been prominent in our society since it’s very creation. Children, the innocent, are educated in schools and raised by parents so they can one day become experienced. Upon a closer look at the loss of innocence archetype in literature, we may begin to draw parallels from the innocence, life-changing events, and experience of those within stories with our own. Although literature will never fully describe humans, we may look to stories, songs, and movies, to help make sense of our own lives.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Tips for Working on Group Projects in Business School
Tips for Working on Group Projects in Business School Group projects are designed to help you improve your ability to lead and work as part of a team. But as anyone who has ever worked in a team atmosphere knows, completing a project as a group can be difficult. Every group member has different ideas, temperaments, and schedules. And theres always at least one person who doesnt want to commit to doing the work. You can cope with these difficulties and others by employing some of the group project tips below. Tips for Working on Group Projects If you have the opportunity to choose members for your group, choose carefully and consider everyones skills and abilities before making your decision.Hold a meeting to discuss the project and the desired results in detail before getting started.Make assigned tasks and progress reports visible to everyone. This will keep members motivated and on point. Make sure that work is equally distributed among the group.Make sure that everyone (including yourself) understands their personal responsibility.Create an online calendar and task list so that everyone can easily keep track of project progress, important dates, and other essential information. Take advantage of these useful Mobile Apps for MBA Students to help you create common virtual spaces, share files, communicate and network with your peers.Try to meet at a time that is convenient for everyone in the group.Create a group communication plan and stick with it.Track communications and request that others acknowledge emai ls and other communications so that nobody can claim later on that they didn’t receive instructions or other information. Stay on top of deadlines throughout the project so that the final deadline doesnt create a lot of stress for the group.Follow through on your commitments and encourage other people to do the same. What to Do When You Dont Get Along with Group Members Remember that you dont need to like someone to work with them.Do not let your differences interfere with the project or your grade. It is not fair to you or the other group members.Try to concentrate on what other people are trying to say versus how they are saying it. Some people are naturally abrasive and do not realize the effect it has on others.Do not get angry with people who are not following through on commitments. Be the bigger person: find out what the problem is and how you can help.Dont sweat the small stuff. It sounds cliche but it is a good motto to employ when working on a group project.Try to communicate with the people you are having problems with. Feel free to share your feelingsbut do not lose your temper.Dont expect other people to change their personality for your benefit. The only behavior that you can control is your own.Lead by example. If others see you acting respectably and responsibly, they will be more likely to do the same.Consider yourself lucky. The op portunity to work with difficult people in business school will give you the practice you need to deal with difficult co-workers in the post-graduation world.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Guide to Dantes 9 Circles of Hell
A Guide to Dantes 9 Circles of Hell Dante’s Inferno (14th C) is the first part of a three-part epic poem, followed by and Paradiso. Those approaching the La Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy) for the first time might benefit from a brief structural description. This first part is Dante’s journey through the nine circles of Hell, guided by the poet Virgil. At the beginning of the story, a woman, Beatrice, calls for an angel to bring Virgil to guide and aid Dante in his journey so that no harm will befall him. The nine circles of Hell, in order of entrance and of severity Limbo: Where those who never knew Christ exist. Dante encounters ​Ovid, Homer, Socrates, Aristotle, Julius Caesar and more here. Lust: Self-explanatory. Dante encounters Achilles, Paris, Tristan, Cleopatra, Dido, and others here.Gluttony: Where those who over-indulge exist. Dante encounters ordinary people (i.e. not characters from the epic poems or gods from mythology) here. Boccaccio takes one of these characters, Ciacco, and later incorporates him into The Decameron (14th C).Greed: Self-explanatory. Dante encounters more ordinary people, but also the guardian of the circle, Pluto. Virgil discusses the nation of â€Å"Fortune†but they do not directly interact with any inhabitants of this circle (the first time they pass through a circle without speaking to anyone – a comment on Dante’s opinion of Greed as a higher sin).Anger: Dante and Virgil are threatened by the Furies when they try to enter through the walls of Dis (Satan). This is a further progression in Dante’s evaluation of the nature of sin; he also begins to question himself and his own life, realizing his actions/nature could lead him to this permanent torture. Heresy: Rejection of religious and/or political â€Å"norms.† Dante encounters Farinata degli Uberti, a military leader and an aristocrat tried to win the Italian throne, convicted of heresy in 1283. Dante also meets Epicurus, Pope Anastasius II, and Emperor Frederick II. Violence: This is the first circle to be further segmented into sub-circles or rings. There are three of them, the Outer, Middle, and Inner rings, and each ring houses different types of violent criminals. The first are those who were violent against people and property, such as Attila the Hun. Centaurs guard this Outer Ring and shoot its inhabitants with arrows. The Middle Ring consists of those who commit violence against themselves (suicide). These sinners are perpetually eaten by Harpies. The Inner Ring is made up of the blasphemers, or those who are violent against God and nature. One of these sinners is Brunetto Latini, a sodomite, who was Dante’s own mentor (n ote that Dante speaks kindly to him). The usurers are also here, as are those who blasphemed not just against â€Å"God†but also the gods, such as Capaneus, who blasphemed against Zeus. Fraud: This circle is distinguished from its predecessors by its being made up of those who consciously and willingly commit fraud. Within the 8th circle, there is another called the Malebolge (â€Å"Evil Pockets†) which houses 10 separate Bolgias (â€Å"ditches†). In these exist different types of frauds, including: Panderers/Seducers (1), Flatterers (2), Simoniacs (those who sell ecclesiastical preferment) (3), Sorcerers/Astrologers/False Prophets (4), Barrators (corrupt politicians) (5), Hypocrites (6), Thieves (7), False Counsellors/Advisers (8), Schismatics (those who separate religions to form new ones) (9), and Alchemists/Counterfeiters, Perjurers, Impersonators, etc. (10). Each of these Bolgias is guarded by different demons, and the inhabitants suffer different punishments, such as the Simoniacs who are stood head-first in stone bowls and forced to endure flames upon their feet.Treachery: The deepest circle of Hell, where Satan reside s. As with the last two circles, this one is further divided, this time into four rounds. The first is Caina, named after the Biblical Cain who murdered his own brother. This round is for traitors to kindred (family). The second is named Antenora and comes from Antenor of Troy who betrayed the Greeks. This round is reserved for political/national traitors. The third is Ptolomaea (for Ptolemy son of Abubus) who is known for inviting Simon Maccabaeus and his sons to dinner and then murdering them. This round is for hosts who betray their guests; they are punished more harshly because of the traditional belief that having guests means entering into a voluntary relationship (unlike the relationships with family and country, which we are born into); thus, betraying a relationship you willingly enter is considered more despicable. The fourth round is Judecca, after Judas Iscariot who betrayed Christ. This is the round reserved for traitors to their lords/benefactors/m asters. As in the previous circle, the subdivisions each have their own demons and punishments. The Center of Hell After making their way through all nine circles of Hell, Dante and Virgil reach the center of Hell. Here they meet Satan, who is described as a three-headed beast. Each mouth is busy eating a specific person – the left mouth is eating Brutus, the right is eating Cassius, and the center mouth is eating Judas Iscariot. Brutus and Cassius are those who betrayed and caused the murder of Julius Caesar. Judas did the same to Jesus Christ. These are the ultimate sinners, in Dante’s opinion, as they consciously committed acts of treachery against their lords, who were appointed by God.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Animals as source for human organ transplants Case Study
Animals as source for human organ transplants - Case Study Example The issue mainly relates to problems associated with xenotransplantation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problems raised and discuss whether the problems raised concern me or not. The paper will also explain the main ethical approach groupings that are most influential in my thinking about the case and the consequences most important to me regarding the case. Xenotransplantation prospect is associated with public health issues. It is reported that xenotransplantation is capable of transferring some risks to the wider society (Patel and Rushefsky 103). The major concern is that xenotransplantation is capable of transmitting infectious agents, like viruses from animals to human beings. It is noted that retroviruses are the major concerns since there exist several examples of such viruses moving from one species and becoming infectious in another. It is also noted that retroviruses fails to show signs of the disease at its initial stages (Institute of Medicine 42). Therefore, in case transplant patients become infected with a retrovirus, then the virus would be capable of spreading to the patient’s family, close contacts, carers and the entire population before it can be established that the infection has occurred (McLean and Williamson 43). The widespread introduction of xenotransplantation has cost implications to the health care system. Opponents of Xenotransplantation argue that the procedure would displace other methods, which are perhaps more worthwhile (McLean and Williamson 43). Therefore, the procedure should not be embraced. Institute of Medicine note that the argument is based on the fact that survival rate for xenograft recipients has been poor (42). As such, early recipients are the one being used as subjects of experiment for this technological development. Some of the issues raised with regard to the case concern me while others do not. The ones that concern me
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