Thursday, September 3, 2020
First Battle of Bull Run in the American Civil War
First Battle of Bull Run in the American Civil War The First Battle of Bull Run was battled on July 21, 1861, during the American Civil War (1861-1865), and was the main significant skirmish of the contention. Progressing into northern Virginia, Union and Confederate soldiers conflicted close Manassas Junction. In spite of the fact that Union powers held an early preferred position, an excessively mind boggling plan and the appearance of Confederate fortifications prompted their breakdown and they were driven from the from field. The annihilation stunned general society in the North and subdued trusts in a quick goals to the conflict.â Foundation In the wake of the Confederate assault on Fort Sumter, President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 men to help in putting down the resistance. While this activity saw extra states leave the Union, it likewise started a progression of men and material into Washington, DC. The developing group of troops in the countries capital was at last sorted out in to the Army of Northeastern Virginia. To lead this power, General Winfield Scott was constrained by political powers to choose Brigadier General Irvin McDowell. A vocation staff official, McDowell had never driven men in battle and from multiple points of view was as green as his soldiers. Amassing around 35,000 men, McDowell was bolstered toward the west by Major General Robert Patterson and a Union power of 18,000 men. Contradicting the Union administrators were two Confederate armed forces drove by Brigadier Generals P.G.T. Beauregard and Joseph E. Johnston. The victor of Fort Sumter, Beauregard drove the 22,000-man Confederate Army of the Potomac which was focused close Manassas Junction. Toward the west, Johnston was entrusted with safeguarding the Shenandoah Valley with a power of around 12,000. The two Confederate orders were connected by the Manassas Gap Railroad which would permit one to help the other whenever assaulted (Map). Armed forces Commanders Association Brigadier General Irvin McDowell28,000-35,000 men Confederate Brigadier General P.G.T. BeauregardBrigadier General Joseph E. Johnston32,000-34,000 men Vital Situation As Manassas Junction likewise gave access to the Orange Alexandria Railroad, which drove into the core of Virginia, it was important that Beauregard hold the position. To shield the intersection, Confederate soldiers started sustaining the portages toward the upper east over Bull Run. Mindful that the Confederates could move troops along the Manassas Gap Railroad, Union organizers directed that any development by McDowell be upheld by Patterson with the objective of sticking Johnston set up. Under overwhelming tension from the administration to win a triumph in northern Virginia, McDowell left Washington on July 16, 1861. McDowells Plan Moving west with his military, he proposed to make a diversionary assault against the Bull Run line with two segments while a third swung south around the Confederate right flank to slice their line of retreat to Richmond. To guarantee that Johnston would not enter the brawl, Patterson was requested to progress up the Valley. Suffering outrageous summer climate, McDowells men moved gradually and stayed outdoors at Centreville on July 18. Scanning for the Confederate flank, he dispatched Brigadier General Daniel Tylers division south. Propelling, they battled a clash at Blackburns Ford that evening and had to pull back (Map). Disappointed in his endeavors to turn the Confederate right, McDowell modified his arrangement and started endeavors against the enemys left. His new arrangement called for Tylers division to propel west along the Warrenton Turnpike and direct a diversionary ambush over the Stone Bridge over Bull Run. As this pushed ahead, the divisions of Brigadier Generals David Hunter and Samuel P. Heintzelman would swing north, cross Bull Run at Sudley Springs Ford, and plummet on the Confederate back. Toward the west, Patterson was demonstrating a bashful administrator. Concluding that Patterson would not assault, Johnston started moving his men east on July 19. The Battle Begins By July 20, the vast majority of Johnstons men had shown up and were arranged close to Blackburns Ford. Surveying the circumstance, Beauregard proposed to assault north towards Centreville. This arrangement was appropriated at an opportune time the morning of July 21 when Union weapons started shelling his central station at the McLean House close to Mitchells Ford. In spite of having made an astute arrangement, McDowells assault was before long assailed with issues because of helpless exploring and the general freshness of his men. While Tylers men arrived at the Stone Bridge around 6:00 AM, the flanking segments were hours behind because of helpless streets prompting Sudley Springs. Early Success Association troops started crossing the portage around 9:30 AM and pushed south. Holding the Confederate left was the 1,100-man unit of Colonel Nathan Evans. Dispatching troops to contain Tyler at the Stone Bridge, he was made aware of the flanking development by a semaphore correspondence from Captain E.P. Alexander. Moving around 900 men northwest, he expected a situation on Matthews Hill and was strengthened by Brigadier General Barnard Bee and Colonel Francis Bartow. From this position they had the option to slow the development of Hunters lead unit under Brigadier General Ambrose Burnside (Map). This line fallen around 11:30 AM the point at which the detachment of Colonel William T. Sherman struck their right. Falling back in clutter, they accepted another situation on Henry House Hill under the assurance of Confederate cannons. In spite of the fact that having energy, McDowell didn't push forward, yet rather raised mounted guns under Captains Charles Griffin and James Ricketts to shell the adversary from Dogan Ridge. This delay permitted Colonel Thomas Jacksons Virginia Brigade to arrive at the slope. Situated on the converse incline of the slope, they were concealed by the Union officers. The Tide Turns Propelling his firearms without help, McDowell tried to debilitate the Confederate line before assaulting. After more postponements during which the artillerymen took overwhelming misfortunes, he started a progression of piecemeal assaults. These were spurned with the Confederate counterattacking thus. Over the span of this activity, Bee shouted, There is Jackson standing like a stone divider. Some discussion exists seeing this announcement as some later reports guaranteed that Bee was annoyed with Jackson for not moving to his units help quicker and that stone divider was implied from a disparaging perspective. In any case, the name adhered to both Jackson and his unit for the rest of the war. Over the span of the battling, there were a few issues of unit acknowledgment as garbs and banners had not been normalized (Map). On Henry House Hill, Jacksons men turned around various assaults, while extra fortifications showed up on the two sides. Around 4:00 PM, Colonel Oliver O. Howard showed up on the field with his detachment and took a situation on the Union right. He before long went under substantial assault by Confederate soldiers drove by Colonels Arnold Elzey and Jubal Early. Breaking Howards right flank, they drove him from the field. Seeing this, Beauregard requested a general development which made the drained Union soldiers start a complicated retreat towards Bull Run. Unfit to mobilize his men, McDowell looked as the retreat turned into a defeat (Map). Looking to seek after the escaping Union soldiers, Beauregard and Johnston at first would have liked to reach Centreville and cut off McDowells retreat. This was ruined by new Union soldiers which effectively held the way to the town just as talk that another Union assault was in the offing. Little gatherings of Confederates proceeded with the interest catching Union soldiers just as dignitaries who had originated from Washington to watch the fight. They additionally prevailing with regards to hampering the retreat by making a cart upset on the scaffold over Cub Run, blocking Union traffic. Repercussions In the battling at Bull Run, Union powers lost 460 executed, 1,124 injured, and 1,312 caught/missing, while the Confederates caused 387 murdered, 1,582 injured, and 13 missing. The leftovers of McDowells armed force streamed over into Washington and for quite a while there was worry that the city would be assaulted. The thrashing dazed the North which had expected a simple triumph and persuaded that the war would be long and exorbitant. On July 22, Lincoln marked a bill calling for 500,000 volunteers and endeavors started to reconstruct the military. These at last went under the authority of Major General George B. McClellan. Redesigning the soldiers around Washington and joining recently showing up units, he developed what might turn into the Army of the Potomac. This order would fill in as the Unions essential armed force in the east for the remainder of the war.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Principles And Values That Underpin Health Care Essay
This week I invested energy at Kings College medical clinic so as to comprehend the moral contemplations of a nurse’s work. â€Å"As a medical caretaker at Kings College Hospital you need to consider Ethical Considerations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ in my meeting with Sister Malcolm we will examine moral contemplations like right to life, social equity, individual focused methodology, the desires for people getting the administration, compassion, trustworthiness and adherence to codes of training and strategies and perceiving how they sway her activity. Right to life implies the option to live, as a medical caretaker right to life implies saving some one’s life for whatever length of time that conceivable regardless of whether they need to pass on. For instance, all attendants and specialists at Kings College emergency clinic ought to do all that they can to keep an individual alive if it’s conceivable. Be that as it may, things like a ‘DNR’ (don't revive) structure make it unthinkable for a specialist to spare someone’s life No specialists would enable an individual to bite the dust since it is unlawful to have willful extermination in the UK. A few people who wish to take their lives haveâ gone to Switzerland to take their lives in absolute harmony. An individual focused methodology implies a way to deal with evaluation of need that puts the person at the focal point of the procedure and depends on their perspectives and wishes. For me as a medical caretaker an individual focused methodology or as we state ‘patient-focused approach’ implies ensuring my patient starts things out, that they are agreeable framework that makes a reasonable, legit and equivalent society. As a medical attendant this implies rewarding every one of your patients similarly just as partners regardless of their ethnicity, religion or culture. For instance all patients are remembered for choices about their wellbeing, for example, which clinic they get their treatment at. Sympathy is the capacity to comprehend and share the sentiments of another, in my profession we must be thoughtful and have compassion towards every one of our patients regardless of our conclusion on the circumstance, while being sympathetic. At King’s College Hospital the staff must stay proficient consistently butâ they state that it’s hard not to sympathize with certain patients particularly when you see that they are bothered and don’t realize how to manage a circumstance. Genuineness implies the nature of being straightforward this implies at each point and part of my activity I must be straightforward. Specialists must be totally legitimate with every one of their patients as not giving them all the data could place them in peril they need to mention to them what the issue is actually and clarify it and they need to educate them regarding what medicines are accessible. Adherence to codes of training and arrangements this is the establishment of nursing, they are the guidelines we comply with so as to guard ourselves and our patients, this is called defending, the codes of training are; make your patients your first concern/need, give an elevated expectation of training and care consistently and you should be responsible for your activities, these are the key devices in my calling on the off chance that I couldn’t keep these standards, at that point there would be no desire for me. The desires for people accepting the administration these are the desires for which the specialist co-op ought to convey as an assistance client to be treated with deference, to be treated as a person, to not be oppressed, to be permitted access to data about themselves, to have the option to impart utilizing their favored technique for correspondence and language, thought about such that addresses their issues and considers their own decisions. Anyway all patients should be treated as a person. This implies they need to be treated as an individual and have their necessities seen to and not feel like their piece of a mass activity, and that their needs aren’t being met. For instance ensuring a patient gets a supper alternative fit to their eating regimen. For example if their veggie lover they are given a vegan alternative. At Kings College Hospital, all assistance clients are permitted to get to data about themselves. The Freedom of Information Act expresses that all patients are permitted access to their own wellbeing records. For example,â if a help client is going after a position, their GP might be approached to give subtleties to their new bosses to check whether they are qualified for the activity. All patients are qualified for security this is to guarantee that they are agreeable consistently, for instance if the patient needs to change into an outfit for assessment the medical caretaker/specialist should leave the space to so to ensure both the patient and the attendant/specialist, this is likewise an indication of regard for the patient and it causes them to feel like their needs are being met. Correspondence is another key point between the administration client and the specialist co-op patients ought to be spoken with in their favored language this will ensure everything runs easily and for instance on the off chance that you had somebody come in that was hearing-weakened, at that point there ought to be somebody available that can sign this cause the administration client to feel like he/she is being thought about and that they have equivalent chances. Both assistance clients and specialist organizations reserve the privilege to be in a sheltered situation and to be shielded from any mischief; this implies King’s College have an upheld wellbeing and security strategy. This diagrams the principles and guidelines, and the activities that should be taken if there is a mishap. At Kings College medical clinic support such that addresses their issues and assesses their decisions is the point at which the administration client has enough certainty to communicate their sentiments or offer data with the specialist co-op. It is significant for specialist organizations to offer dynamic help to help individuals impart what their needs are. So as to conquer this, they could give a survey, for the patient to round out and give criticism about how the administration/treatment they got was and on the off chance that they got the measure of care that they required. At Kings College they accept that all patients reserve the privilege to be treated in an honorable manner this is on the grounds that they reserve the option to feel regarded and dealt with, in the event that they feel affronted or defenseless, at that point they might not have any desire to open up about their clinical issue and this may stop them fromâ receiving the treatment that they need. Exposure is the death of data between social insurance experts, for instance your GP giving data to your clinic specialist so they can give you the correct treatment. Be that as it may if the patient can't help contradicting this and the attendant despite everything shares the patients data, this is known as breaking classification. This can negatively affect the specialist co-op as well as the social insurance administration overall. For instance as a safety measure GP’s are not, at this point an uproarious to leave messages on your telephone with respect to your wellbeing. Secrecy is keeping data hidden and not unveiling it to any other individual separated from those associated with the patients care. It is key when working with administration clients inside the wellbeing and social consideration area. Notwithstanding on the off chance that the specialist/nurture gives out private data about the patient, at that point there will be not kidding results. This alludes to The Requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. This is an enactment that patients reserve the option to take a gander at data about their selves. Another piece of classification is If an individual goes to the medical clinic with wounds and stamps on their skin, at that point the specialist organization realizes that their something incorrectly. Notwithstanding if the administration client tells the medical attendant/specialist what has been going on and they state that the specialist co-op shouldn’t tell, they should tell social administrations and this can cause strain betw een privileges of patients and the obligations of the specialist co-op. Data of patients is kept on PCs just as on administrative work and documents. However the data is put away, it should be put away in a sheltered spot, where nobody approaches it, that way it stays private. They have to ensure that the record can be recovered when required. The utilization of correspondence to help assorted variety, consideration and advance uniformity of chance is significant when working in a medical clinic; this permits the emergency clinic to suit for individuals all things considered, ages, sex etc†¦ this could be banners and signs in various dialects to giving food to take into account vegetarians. This advances correspondence among the administration clients on the grounds that theyâ feel like their individual inclinations and necessities are being met. The prerequisites of the Data Protection Act 1998 that all data is safely kept so that lone those that need to get to it can in light of the fact that else it would strife with the necessities of the Freedom of Information Act 2005 this is the opportunity for administration clients to approach their clinical notes whenever mentioned whenever, they can't be retained. Managing pressures among rights and obligations is an extreme choice to be made by a clinical expert; in such a case that a patient comes into the medical clinic with wounds and discloses to you that they are being mishandled and they request that you stay quiet about it then as their social insurance supplier you can't do this despite the fact that it’s a break of patient specialist classification yet as a human services supplier you need to illuminate the right specialists so they can make a move and this can cause strain among rights and duties. The Importance of exact chronicle, stockpiling and recovery of data (counting electronic techniques), recording effectively and safely is significant in the social insurance administration since this is secret data about people, and they have endowed you with this data, so it ought to be put away in safe place and have the option to be gotten to effectively by the ideal people if necessary. These archives ought to be filled in a protected office ideally in more than one spot so that in the event that one set is devastated there is another. It is Important that wo
Saturday, August 22, 2020
10 of the most useful apps for nurses
10 of the most helpful applications for medical attendants We realize attendants need to do everything: gain the trust of the clinical staff and tend to patients’ physical and enthusiastic necessities, all while having probably the best recollections in any industry. While the passionate side of the activity generally accompanies long periods of experience, there are a couple applications out there designed for making the data part of nurses’ carries on somewhat simpler to learn and remember.If you’re a medical attendant, or know an attendant, look at these applications and plan to rejoice.1. Human Anatomy AtlasThis 3D chart book of the human body lets you scan for the specific life structures you have to see. With very itemized visuals that you can move and dismember, you’ll likewise get definitions with ways to express huge amounts of clinical wording, a 1,000+ inquiry test bank, and the capacity to peruse data in 7 languages.2. Medications MnemonicsDaunted by all the phrasing you have to recall cold? This appli cation encourages you make sense of approaches to deceive your mind with fun and simple to-recollect pleasantry for in excess of 1,900 terms and concepts.3. NCSBN FlashcardsThe Medication Flashcards from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing give you a moment download of a whole drug library. It’s extraordinary for reading for tests like the NCLEX, yet additionally an incredible reference point all through your career.4. EpocratesThis application is a one-stop asset for every single clinical expert. In it, you’ll discover huge amounts of data on doctor prescribed medications, associations, and infections; clinical news; the capacity to figure key recipes; and a whole lot more.5. PEPIDThere’s an alternate form of this application for everybody medical attendants, EMTs, doctors, understudies, and so on. It’s an incredible (and extensive) asset direct for all phases of a clinical vocation, in which you will approach a medication database, dosing an d clinical number crunchers, and high-goals art.6. Taber’s Medical DictionaryThis is a versatile rendition of a standout amongst other clinical word references out there. It even has photographs, elocutions, recordings, and the capacity to spare â€Å"favorites.†This free asset gives you in excess of 65,000 definitions and 1,200 pictures at your fingertips.7. Nursing CentralThis is another stop-shop application that gives you references for illnesses, medications, and test prep, in addition to a writing search work. You’ll additionally access a lot of databases including Davis’s Drug Guide, Taber’s Medical Dictionary, Diseases and Disorders, and MEDLINE Search and Journals.8. NurseGridThis one encourages you arrange and plan your existence with shading coding and schedules in abundance. You can arrange your timetable and movements with your whole office: see who you’re working with, message your partners, and by and large keep steady over y our work and individual life, for free!9. Pill Identifier and Drug ListNeed to recognize a medication and get the hang of every little thing about it? This is the application for you-and it’s free! In it, you will discover data for 60,000+ medications, in addition to pictures of numerous prescriptions so you can distinguish them by shading, shape, and imprint.10. MediBabble TranslatorUse this application to speak with non-English talking patients. Regardless of whether you make them work information on another dialect, odds are the clinical terms will be precarious!
Introduction to Marketing Woolworths Coca Cola †Free Samples
Question: Examine about the Introduction to Marketing Woolworths Coca Cola. Answer: Presentation Woolworths Limited is a critical Australian association with far reaching retail interest all through Australia and New Zealand. It is the second biggest association in Australia regarding income, and by and large second biggest in New Zealand. Likewise, Woolworths Limited is the best takeaway alcohol retailer in Australia, the biggest hotel and gaming poker machine head in Australia, and was the world's nineteenth biggest retailer in 2008. Woolworths opened its underlying store, the Woolworths Stupendous Bargain Basement, in the old Imperial Arcade Pitt Street, Sydney, on 5 December 1924. The new Woolworths store was an advancement; it was the world's first retail location to use cash enlists that print receipts for clients. The principal food store of Woolworths in New Zealand was opened in Auckland in 1956, and grocery store in 1971. Why Coca Cola? The brand picked here is Coca Cola. The choice to pick Coca Cola is on the grounds that at present, it is concentrating on the requirements of the buyers. They are listening cautiously to the clients and each system is made by putting clients at focus of the business. Their reasoning is that by concentrating on clients, business will thrive and develop. Coca Cola accepts that clients for the most part purchase an item when they see an incentive in it. The worth is seen with cost and quality and quality is the non-value trademark that lets a client to settle on buying choice. The quality is noticeable by their one image worldwide technique of promoting. The organization is working with a few wellbeing associations including WHO (World Health Organization) to help their proposals, for example, the day by day admission of included sugar by an individual ought not surpass 10 percent of their every day calorie consumption. Considering Coca Cola in Woolworths, it helps in creating income f or Woolworths, likewise Woolworths blends it up with various nourishments and give different choices, in this manner drawing in more individuals, and increment the deals of Coca Cola. Division Market division is an advertising guideline which parts the total market set up legitimately into littler subsets containing clients with a related taste, prerequisite and tendency. It isn't feasible for an association to satisfy the requirements and needs of everyone. This is the motivation to utilize showcase division to isolate the customers into social affairs of people with regular properties and necessities. Coca Cola thinks about various variables while portioning their objective market for store Woolworths. The components are: Segment: The individuals old enough gathering 13-24 are the center purpose of Coca Cola. They don't portion based on sexual orientation in light of the fact that both the sexes like it. Financial: The money related state of the nation is ideal for the headway of grocery stores like Woolworths. Coca Cola sold at Woolworths is for each class of society. Psychographic: The route for living of the Australians is high. The additional money of the majority is high, yet Coca Cola uses no specific way of life or pay bunch in light of the fact that the vast majority of the shoppers are understudies, family arranged and versatile age for example young people. They use it since they appreciate drinking Cola. Behaviouristic: The beneficial thing with the shoppers of Coca Cola is that they are faithful to it. The objective market is wellbeing cognizant and Coca Cola is as of now into it. This at last advantages Woolworths. Focusing on An objective market is fundamentally a gathering of individuals chose by an organization to satisfy their need of an item or administration. To distinguish the objective market is a fundamental advance being developed of a showcasing plan. The decision to choose the objective market will rely on a few factors, for example, the exhibition of rivals in the chose section, size of the fragment, and do the organization has qualities to claim especially one gathering of clients. The objective market of Coca Cola is expansive in light of its fame. The brand has enhanced and propelled variations as indicated by the requirements of clients. 13-24-year-elderly individuals are the fundamental objective and it has abstained from promoting for youngsters beneath 12 years old. This is a mindful advertising procedure. The organization is likewise unveiling dietary benefit of its variations that encourages the guardians to choose to purchase right one for their kids. It is focusing on wellbeing cognizant clients. The ads delineate the youthful, princely individuals as the objective. Situating The prerequisite of the buyers or idea about the item ought to be comprehended and the reflection ought to be found in situating. First interesting point is the explanation behind clients buying the item than those of the contenders. This aides in deciding the most ideal approach to situate the contribution. Second thing is to make an incentive that unmistakably clarifies how the contribution will meet the necessities superior to any of the contenders items. Coca Colas situating in Woolworths carries accomplishment to them two. At the point when Coca Cola is sold at Woolworths it is the consequence of a powerful planogram. One old expression eye level is purchase level is the thing that works here. The more extravagant variations of Coca Cola are put at eye level and other low-value things that are effectively sold are put beneath or over the eye level. Coca Cola has comprehended the guideline: think worldwide, act nearby well overall. It blends in with different items offered at Woolworths to offer an extraordinary mix. It has become a piece of every day life and has brought about shoppers elevated level of dedication. This naturally works in expanding the deals for association. With different commercial including Woolworths, it positions itself in the psyches of shoppers. End A fundamental key examination of Coca Cola in Woolworths has been finished so as to evaluate the crucial methods that have been endeavored by the organization and the execution of whole assessment has shown that Coca Cola in Woolworths is focused particularly towards accomplishing bigger measure of advancement in its activity. Two things that Coca Cola needs to stress over are the maturing of steadfastness bunch 13-24 and halting publicizing for youngsters beneath 12 years old as bot the components can affect deals.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Works of Ai Wei Wei Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Works of Ai Wei - Essay Example I accept that he is attempting to tell that we can make excellence out of regular standard things and that they could speak to a greater and more amazing thought. As per Wei, our separate culture is the unique situation and â€Å"lens†by which we see and decipher the world. Along these lines, we appoint an incentive to pictures and images in an unexpected way. One might be essential to other culture while it might be without importance to different societies. We can refer to the case of Wei Wei’s sunflower seeds for instance. For the untouchable, one may consider it to be an exacting sunflower seed that toward the start of the video, some of Wei Wei’s crowd even tasted it to check on the off chance that it is genuine. To the Chinese in any case, particularly the individuals who lived during the upset and the hour of Chairman Mao Zedong, the sunflower seeds implied something different. It isn't simply seeds of a sunflower yet spoke to the quantity of individuals that upheld the insurgency. The seeds were such a significant number of on the grounds that the standard individuals of China that bolstered the Chairman were like wise such a large number of. As a craftsman, Ai Wei saw his job as somebody who moves his crowd to pose new inquiries. He needs to make as a craftsman, the fundamental structure which can be available to potential outcomes. His works of art have political implications additionally and Wei might want his crowd to connect with them with his fine arts as a medium to affect interest that would cultivate comprehension and want to make it a more joyful spot simply like the seed creators in Wei Wei’s fine art who were glad to do make the porcelain sunflower seeds since it gives them employment and importance. Artificial intelligence Wei Wei’s fine arts are not only for a stylish reason that passes on excellence where its crowd can value the delight in the heavenliness of their fine art. On the off chance that one would look at intently, Wei Wei’s work of art has political criticalness and welcomes the crowd to ask questions.â
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Being an Intern
Being an Intern This summer is the first summer I am participating in an internship. It’s already exposed me to a lot, some of which doesn’t even have to do with the actual work I am doing. Nervous and excited on the first day, I expected many things. What I did not expect was to be treated, so suddenly, like an adult. That might sound strange to you, but what I mean is different from being respected intellectually like an adultthat, while not a given, is at least common enough. I hoped my intellect and my abilities would be respected as an adult’sthat is, that I would be trusted to work at least a little independently and without meaningless restrictions. But what occurred was much more than that. I am the youngest intern at our officethe other two have both already graduated from college. There is one employee who also only graduated about a year ago. Not only am I the youngest person, I am also technically still a teenagerall this made me feel a bit vulnerable as I discovered all that the first day. But on the contrary, everyone spoke to me the same way they spoke to their colleagues, discussing anecdotes of their families, children, or personal lives. It’s hard to express in words, but there is also a certain invisible gravity surrounding the way people treat youa kind of feeling you get from talking to them when you know, without either of you actually saying anything, they see you as a peer, view as more junior, look up to you, or any other sort of subtle relationship like that. It’s most obvious at the extremeseven with the exact same sentence, someone can be either very condescending or praise you highly depending on that ‘gravity’, using soft factors like tone of voice and body language. But it doesn’t always have to be that extreme. I get the sense that people here do see me as more junior, but that’s of course mutual (i.e., I also see them as more senior). I definitely look up to all the developers I’ve worked with who have helped me in countless ways, one of whom even took the time to basically give me an hour lecture on how typical corporate databases store information, simply because he wished to fully answer a question I had. This is a very healthy way, I feel, of being treated with clearly lower experience, but still being respected. What surprised me was actually the magnitude of that respectI didn’t really expect to lightly socialize or even work with people the same way their own colleagues did, and so far, that is what has happened. I have felt junior in experience, but not junior as a person. It’s odd to feel suddenly placed in the world of adults. I am to see people much older and more experienced than I am as peers on some level, which feels a bit strange. I guess, for most of my life, age groups have been very definitive. 8th graders don’t hang out with 5th graders, freshmen in high school aren’t friends with too many seniors. But, growing older, it seems like age cohorts get less and less important. This is obvious when simply writing it, but at least for me, it’s quite another thing to suddenly live it. Maybe it’s just because I’m obsessed with reflecting on life, but it kept striking me how, just a year ago, ‘adulthood’ seemed so much farther away, as though it were a tangible checkpoint that came with a house in the suburbs, 2.7 children and a white picket fence.** In actuality, the lines are much more blurred. I’ve met people younger than me who seem to have ‘old souls’, as the saying goes, and people older than me who are still just kids, really. These can both be positive or negative impressions, and different in different areas of life. To be positive, everything has to be kept in a certain balance. I wish to conduct myself in a mature manner at my workplace, for example, but in general, I hope I can maintain that particular brand of childish, authentic excitement for everything. I wish to be knowledgable enough to teach, console, or advise other people, but still be humble enough to readily learn from anyone. Concerning the actual work I’ve been doing, it’s been fantastic! I am finally coding real things for real peopleso real, in fact, that they live right in my neighborhood. What I produce will not directly affect them, but it will help work on my company’s project as a whole, which does in fact affect almost everyone living in Colorado in some way.* Being able to finally work in a business environment has allowed me to evaluate the effectiveness of my education. I can tell you that so far, the age-old adage touted by many bitter students and pessimistic people is very not trueit is not true that you don’t use what you learn in school. You do. Okay, that should probably come with a caveatmaybe you’re not going to use all the geometry and algebra you learned directly (and you’ll never encounter that weird lattice multiplication thing they teach fourth graders ever again) but I already feel that purely the diversity of the subjects we are all required to take was useful, no matter what the actual material was. School made me solve many different problems in many different ways, and this is really what trains you for “the real worldâ€. There is always something new to learn, to adjust to, to overcome. I feel like I directly applied some of my strategies for studying and problem solving in my first project, which was to start building a small internal application. I had to identify exactly what the problem was, and figure out what I didn’t know and needed to learn. In fact, I approached the first part of the task kind of haphazardly, and predictably, it took longer. But the second part I approached much like I approac hed studying or homework problemswriting down unknowns, possibilities, flaws, pros and cons. I used the notes I made to do some reading and research before immediately working. I was able to arrive at a path to at least one solution much, much faster this way. I even used the same trusty set of colorful pens and lined notebook that I use for school. Lastly, I typed up a detailed report in a ‘readme’ file of the program before I sent it to my supervisor, both to explain what I did to him and recap what I did myself. Maybe these particular habits will disappear over time, but it’s been working so far. Again, it’s the skill of problem solving that really matters, and being forced to become familiar with so many different subjects and disciplines in general education hopes to throw every possible sort of problem at you. Pursuing the simple ideal of being a good student forced me to think about problems at many different angles, to know not to lie to myself when I just didn’t know something, and, most importantly, to know how to fail. Perhaps even more importantly, I always found something genuinely interesting or enjoyable about every subject; otherwise, I couldn’t stay motivated. So now, work has been really fun! (Almost as fun as school.) * Some of you are probably wondering exactly what my internship is. I work at CGI, an IT consulting company, which primarily works on government contracted projects. The project Im working on is the Colorado health insurance exchange. This was actually put into place directly because of the Affordable Care Act. Because of the tax changes surrounding the policy, it really does affect everyone in Colorado, although I don’t have to deal with that part too much. But it still affects many other people who previously did not have insurance, or who want to purchase government subsidized health insurance. I was actually really excited when I learned what I was working on, because in high school I studied a lot about the implications of the affordable care act and universal health care in other countries. It’s a fascinating problem, and it involves a lot of different partsone of which is the tech side of things, which I never expected to be so involved in. It’s been really cool to get t he direct perspective of managers and developers on the unique issues they had to deal with in this project. It even created a whole new side of the insurance industry, actually, allowing “startup†sorts of health insurance companies, something which was a lot harder to do before. It’s also been under a lot of controversy, but I think, from my perspective, the hope is that with better technological solutions, we can refine and perfect this system. Regardless of peoples political opinions on the matter, we hope that we can make the system be as efficient and effective as we possibly can now that it is already in place. My job exactly is to help with some of the internal tasks, so I code a few small scripts here and there to automate some processes or make them go faster. It’s exciting to be even minimally involved in something that so directly affects people, and to work on things people will actually use! **Actually, this number is now 2.01 average number of children per American family, according to the CIA World Factbook and as of 2014. The country with the highest average is Niger, at 6.89, and the lowest is Singapore, at 0.8. (I was curious so I looked it up)
Sunday, June 21, 2020
How to Write an Informal Essay
How to Write an Informal Essay Purpose of an Informal Essay The purpose of an informal essay is mainly for entertainment and enjoyment. An information essay is written in a relaxed style, but still has a definite structure to it. When writing an information essay, you are free to express your opinion more openly than with a formal essay. Informal essays are used to write about personal experiences, controversies, news issues, etc. Unlike a formal essay, an informal essay has a conversational or amusing tone, to appeal to the reader’s sense of fascination. Informal essays are not necessarily politically correct because they are of a laid back nature. Segments of an Informal Essay Even though an essay is informal, it still needs to be written with an organized structure to it with the following segments: The Purpose The Title The Body The Conclusion Purpose Even though this type of essay is informal, you still need a valid thesis statement that gives the reader an idea of the purpose of the essay. This would be the main idea of your topic. Title Just like with a formal essay, your title is an important element of your essay. The title often lets a person know whether or not your essay is worth their time. Many people will read an essay just because of its title. The title should persuade the reader and let them know the main idea of the essay. Body With an informal essay, you can use a few effective techniques for the body. For example, you can use the ‘compression’ technique. This stresses the important points of the essay to the reader. Another technique is ‘time inversion’. With this, you begin the essay by detailing the middle part of the story first and then go from there. Yet, another informal essay writing technique is called ‘withholding’, where you provoke questions from the readers but you do not give them the information. ‘Foreshadowing’ is another informal technique that uses a thriller connotation and remains unpredictable to the reader. No matter what technique you use, the body of your essay gives the reader a full view of your essay topic. The body of the essay describes the main content of your story. The body should also contain all of the key points about the topic, and it is good for the essay to contain a paragraph on each key point. Conclusion As with any essay, the conclusion sums up all of the key points, the purpose, and the topic. In addition, all of this should tie back into your introduction and summarize the purpose of the essay. Also, with an informal essay, be sure that it still has structure even though it is written for pleasure purposes. At you will get quality informal essay help from certified academic writers. All custom informal essays are of the finest quality and written from scratch. Fill in the order form now!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
An Evolving Diagnostic Decision Support System - 769 Words
REFERENCES 1. SmolinskiG., MilanovaM. G. and HassanienA. E.: Studies in Computational Intelligence :Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Bioinformatics. ISBN-10: 354070776X | ISBN-13: 978-3540707769,Springer-Verlag(2011). 2. Devlin G.: Decision Support Systems: Advances In. ISBN: 9789533070698, In-Tech Publishing (2010).†3. Barnett, G. O., Cimino, J. J., Hupp, J. A., Hoffer, E. P. (1987). DXplain: an evolving diagnostic decision-support system. Jama, 258(1), 67-74.†4. Jackson P. C.: Introduction to artificial intelligence. ISBN 048624864X,Courier Corporation (1985).†5. SuzukiK.: Artificial neural networks: methodological advances and biomedical applications. InTech, ISBN-13: 9789533072432( 2011).†6. Lingras P. J.: Rough neural network. In: Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU96). pp.1445-1450, Granada, Spain (1996). 7. ellaHassanien, A., Ã…Å¡lzak, D. (2006). Rough neural intelligent approach for image classification: A case of patients with suspected breast cancer.International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 3(4), 205-218.†8. Pal, S. K., Polkowski, L. (Eds.). (2012). Rough-Neural Computing: Techniques for Computing with Words. Springer Science Business Media.†9. Peters, J. F., Han, L., Ramanna, S. (2001). Rough neural computing in signal analysis. Computational Intelligence, 17(3), 493-513.†10. Peters, J. F., Skowron, A., Han, L., Ramanna, S. (2000, October).Show MoreRelatedThe Patient Centered Care Concept955 Words  | 4 Pages The patient centered care concept support the active involvement of the patients and their families, in the decision making process that are related upon the treatment services. The IOM (Institute of Medicine) defines patient-centered care as: Providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions. The patient centered care is one of the main concepts to achieve an overall goal ofRead MoreCommunication, Career Path, And Roles Of A Nurse Practitioner Essay1445 Words  | 6 Pagesin high demand due to the increased pressure within our evolving health care system, with a renewed emphasis on health and wellness. According to the American Association College of Nursing, advanced practice nurses must obtain a higher level of learning as well as having key competencies and skills (American Association College of Nursing). The ultimate goal is to achieve positive patient outcomes, resulting in an improved health care system. The purpose of this paper is to provide valuable insightsRead MoreThe Ethics Of Genetic Testing1294 Words  | 6 Pagesreimburse such services. Many moral and ethical obligations appear with genetic testing. For instance, the decision to inform relatives of a patient with test results, whether positive or negative is highly controversial. The decision to i nform or not varies, and is based on different moral theories. Genetic testing comprises of three forms. They are diagnostic, carrier, and predictive testing. Diagnostic testing involves identifying the state of a current disease. An example of this is prenatal and newbornRead MoreThe Nurse As A Nurse919 Words  | 4 Pagesfamilies using the nursing process and critical thinking skills. The nurse establishes partnership with clients, families, support systems and other providers in order to deliver effective care. The nurse as a client advocate promotes what is best for the client, ensuring that the client’s needs are met and protecting the client’s right. The nurse respect the client decision and boost client autonomy. In 2015, the American Nurse Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretative StatementsRead MoreAssignment 1 Cs 782964 Words  | 4 Pagesinformation systems and information resources, Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 16, 2004 N 44 On the National operator in the field of Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan was introduced National Information Technologies Joint-stock Company was founded on April 4, 2000 called â€Å"NITEC†with 100% participation and foundation by government. The Company Mission is to facilitate the building up of reliable, efficient, and customer-focused public administration system through applyingRead MoreConversion to Electronic Health Records Essay1039 Words  | 5 Pageseffective experience. The health care system faces monumental tasks in the next several years due to the overhaul of the health care system and implementation of the new diagnosis code standard, to name a few. Additionally, conversion from paper medical records to an electronic health record system requires in-depth analysis and complete understanding of the advantages and disadvantages. Only then, each health care professional can make the right decision for their medical practice. Each of theseRead MoreMIS 535 Course Project Essay2944 Words  | 12 Pagesforce CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, system. The intent of this transition is designed to improve three key aspects of day to day commercial business operations, those key aspects are: Streamline time spent providing key sales data and metrics for the organization, provide a consistent and standardized approach for how sales data is provided and gathered across the organization, and an easy to use and easy to navigate, operating system. Company Background The company I am choosingRead MoreComputer Application in Medicine2321 Words  | 10 Pagesexample of a public clinical practice guideline source ; the third is a health care system grid. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN MEDICAL CARE The expanding influence of computers on society is being felt in medicine as well. Essentially all hospitals and clinics depend on computers for administrative and financial functions and for providing access to clinical data. Most physicians have been exposed to the powerful available systems for searching the biomedical literature by computer. Modern imaging techniquesRead MoreGe Medical Case Study: in China for China1137 Words  | 5 PagesAjaya Tachajanta 2011 General Electric Medical Systems, 2002 Overview GEMS is the world’s leading manufacturer of diagnostic imaging equipment and part of Milwaukee-based GE. It is the leader in MR and CT imaging in all regions. According to Immelt’s strategy, GEMS evolves from taking joint-venture and acquisition as the first step where business’s size is matter. Secondly, Global Product Company (GPC) concept is introduced aiming at cutting cost by shifting the manufacturing activities from high-costRead MoreGe Medical Case Study: in China for China1127 Words  | 5 PagesAjaya Tachajanta 2011 General Electric Medical Systems, 2002 Overview GEMS is the world’s leading manufacturer of diagnostic imaging equipment and part of Milwaukee-based GE. It is the leader in MR and CT imaging in all regions. According to Immelt’s strategy, GEMS evolves from taking joint-venture and acquisition as the first step where business’s size is matter. Secondly, Global Product Company (GPC) concept is introduced aiming at cutting cost by shifting the manufacturing activities from high-cost
Monday, May 18, 2020
Oedipus Rex and A Doll House - 643 Words
In Oedipus Rex and A Doll House, there are inevitable elements that contribute to each play’s tragedy. I stand strong in my belief that fate is to blame for the tragic downfall in Oedipus’ life. Nora’s act of leaving her husband and three children is not a justifiable act. Sophocles demonstrates that fate is unavoidable, thus causing fate to victimize Oedipus to a tragic end. Ibsen suggests Nora is so childish that she can’t handle a problem between herself and Torvald, causing her to renounce her husband and their three young children. Nora’s behavior is deemed unjustifiable. Fate is unavoidable causing the fall of Oedipus. Oedipus’ parents tried avoiding fate with their son, when they â€Å"pierced the babys ankles And left him to die on a lonely mountainside†(Sophocles 977). Ultimately true fate was for Oedipus to murder his father and impregnate his mother. Oedipus states, â€Å"I should lie with my own mother, breed Children from whom all men would turn their eyes; And that I should be my fathers murderer†(Sophocles 979). Trying to avoid fate, Oedipus â€Å"fled†from Corinth (Sophocles 979). By leaving, Oedipus thinks he will stop this â€Å"wretchedness†from happening (Sophocles 979). Due to Oedipus unavoidable fate, â€Å"children die unborn, And labor is vain†(Sophocles 960). Oedipus is uncertain why this plague is taking place. Creon emphasizes that â€Å"It was murder that brought the plague-wind on the city†(Sophocles 962). Oedipus eagerly wanted to find the king Laios’ killer.Show MoreRelated Comparing A Dolls House and Oedipus Rex Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesComparing A Dolls House and Oedipus Rex Ibsens drama A Dolls House, serves as an example of the kind of issue-based drama that distinguishes Ibsen from many of his contemporaries. The plays dialogue is not poetic, but very naturalistic, and the characters are recognizable people. Given the sense of modernity which the play possesses it seems unusual to compare it to a Greek tragedy produced more than two-thousand years previously. On closer examination however, thereRead MoreA Dolls House As A Tragic Hero Analysis967 Words  | 4 Pageshas achieved, or who has the ability to achieve greatness but who through a weakness, or tragic flaw in his character, falls into the depths of misery and often to his death†(Ingham 1). Within Oedipus Rex, Sophocles laid the foundation for what is now considered the ideal tragic hero. Within A Doll’s House, Ibsen creates a modern hero in Nora Helmer; a woman who was oppressed for going against social rules for saving her husband. Nora follows the Aristotelian journey of a tragic hero, from hamartiaRead MoreAnalysis Of Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House 1325 Words  | 6 PagesIbsen’s A Doll s House†(March 20, 1828 - May 23, 1906) and â€Å"Oedipus the King†, by Sophocles (which is an Athenian tragedy performed 495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.) both have men who were destroyed by a secret which lead them to their horrible outcomes on life because of th e conflicts in their relationships with their families although, both pieces of Literature were written many years apart from each other and in different areas of time. Two characters who share some of the same qualities are Oedipus fromRead MoreThe Role Of Women During The Play A Doll House 2110 Words  | 9 PagesIn this essay my aim is to describe the role of women and the attitude towards them in two plays, very different between them, that we have studied during the module. The first play where there is a main focus on women’s role is, undoubtedly, A Doll House, written in 1879 by the Norwegian author Henrik Ibsen. This play was at the centre of many critics and debates, it ends with the main character. Ibsen with this play express the concept that for the society of the time the role of women was to takeRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words  | 17 Pageswork as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. You may select a work from the list below or another novel or play of comparable literary merit. Alias Grace Middlemarch All the King’s Men Moby-Dick Candide Obasan Death of a Salesman Oedipus Rex Doctor Faustus Orlando Don Quixote A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Gesture Life Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Ghosts The Scarlet Letter Great Expectations
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
William Shakespeare s Play For King James I, The Tragedy...
In 1606, William Shakespeare wrote a play for King James I, the tragedy of Macbeth. For the last five-hundred years, this highly regarded piece of literature has been studied by countless students and intellectuals. One of the many methods scholars use to interpret a piece of literature is through the feminist perspective. Feminism is defined as the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men (â€Å"Feminism†). Although one can use a feminist lens to interpret Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the historical perspective will provide the most effective means of interpretation for readers. As a modern reader, it is easy to read Macbeth and see elements of feminism come into play. In today’s society where people have become increasingly aware of racial and gender disparities, these aspects of the play have become more clear to the audience. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth shows valuable insight into gender stereotypes of the time period. After the discovery of Duncan’s death, Macduff addresses Lady Macbeth by saying â€Å"O gentle lady, / Tis not for you to hear what I can speak. / The repetition, in a woman’s ear / Would murder as it fell†(Macbeth 2.3.96-99). This supposed innocence contrasts with her true character because she was actually the one who encouraged the murder in the first place. This particular line is interesting in that one can see both the defiance and compliance with stereotypes. Lady Macbeth bends gender norms by showingShow MoreRelatedEssay Macbeth Character Analysis577 Words  | 3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp ;In the tragedy Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, many character traits are portrayed through the various characters throughout the play. Macbeth was one of Shakespeareamp;#8217;s greatest tragedies. It was completed in 1606 and was most likely first performed before King James I and his royal family at Hampton Court. King James I is believed to be a direct descendent of the character Banquo. Probably the most potent character trait expressed in Macbeth would be integrity orRead More The Victorious Banquo of Shakespeares Macbeth1723 Words  | 7 PagesThe Victorious Banquo of Macbeth   The audience sees in Shakespeares Macbeth that the one who ends up victorious, the one whose family will provide kings for the kingdom, is the innocent, spiritually inclined Banquo. It is he about whom this essay will deal.  A.C. Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy explains the main interest in the character of Banquo:  The main interest of the character of Banquo arises from the changes that take place in him, and from the influence of theRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Life And Life3055 Words  | 13 PagesResearch Paper March 23, 2016 William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. Shakespeare was assumedly educated at the King?s New School in Stratford with an ?emphasis on the Latin classics, including memorization, writing, and acting classic Latin plays,? writes an article entitled Shakespeare?s Life, found on Foldger Shakespeare Library. He most likely attended until around age fifteen. In late 1582, Shakespeare at age 18 married Anne HathawayRead MoreCompare the ways Shakespeare presents fear and doubt in Macbeth and Richard III?1222 Words  | 5 Pagesuncertainty are presented in Richard III and Macbeth Macbeth is a tragedy play written by William Shakespeare. The play is set in Scotland during the mid 11th century. But, the play was written in 1606 at a time where James I was on the throne. King James was a very superstitious man who believed in magic and witchcraft and these themes were presented in Macbeth to please the King. Also the political context is important as it was included in Macbeth with the ideas of excessive ambition. On theRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Life And Life3795 Words  | 16 PagesResearch Paper March 23, 2016 William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. Shakespeare was assumedly educated at the King?s New School in Stratford with an ?emphasis on the Latin classics, including memorization, writing, and acting classic Latin plays,? writes an article entitled Shakespeare?s Life, found on Foldger Shakespeare Library. He most likely attended until around age fifteen. In late 1582, Shakespeare at age 18 married Anne HathawayRead MoreImportance Of Shakespeare s Macbeth 1519 Words  | 7 Pages Importance of the Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Throughout all of history, witches are known for practicing magic and creating prophecies to predict any future. In any scene involving witches, it is important to know their role in the play, whether they change the outcome of the play or simply influenced it, and the supernatural features the play comes along with in its time. In No Fear Shakespeare Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the play starts out with the three witchesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet, King Lear, And A Midsummer s Night Dream1037 Words  | 5 Pagesof Avon, commonly known as William Shakespeare is one of the best known playwrights in the (Video). A few of his most famous plays include Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, and A Midsummer’s Night Dream (McArthur). Although he was popular during his time, Shakespeare’s influence continued to grow after his death and today he well known around the world. He added 2,000 words to the English dictionary and he is the 2nd most q uoted after the Bible (Video). Shakespeare is one of the most influentialRead MoreShakespeare s Macbeth - Macbeth2496 Words  | 10 Pages Macbeth Fact or Fiction Christopher Goncalves Sr. Marlene Mucha, S. J. J. British Literature February 10, 2016 Macbeth Fact or Fiction Thesis: In the play Macbeth, Shakespeare did not ?accurately portray Macbeth according to the historical background in the age of Jacobean times. I. Shakespeare A. Background II. Text of Macbeth III. Historical Inaccuracies A. Macbeth B. Lady Macbeth Read MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1821 Words  | 8 Pagesemotions we have when we watch a play. Plays have been through centuries a source of entertainment where people get attached to the characters and imagine them being reality. Theatre was the place where people could watch realistic situations and sympathize with the characters, or go into a fantasy world where the impossible is always possible. However, in the current days people do not watch plays that much and are usually satisfied with reading a written version of a play. This generation even lost interestRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1409 Words  | 6 PagesOctober 17th, I had the pleasure of going to see Macbeth performed at the Shakespeare Tavern. Along with its reputation for being â€Å"cursed,†Macbeth is also known as one of the crown jewels of William Shakespeare’s repertoire. In my opinion, the central concept of this particular retelling of the play was the murkin ess of character. Throughout the play, the many characters go through fierce temptation and strife, and none truly rise above moral contention. Also known to many as The Scottish Play, the classic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evolutionary Theory Climate Change On Evolution - 899 Words
Evolutionary Theory: Climate Change on Evolution Evolution is the process of change that occurs in the traits of a population of a species over many years. At the molecular level, dissimilarities of an individual’s genes, known as the genotype, result in the change of their physical characteristics, or phenotype. There are three main driving forces that trigger evolution in a population. Those three include: natural selection, change in the gene pool through mating, and genetic variation between individual species. In this work, I will be explaining how environmental factors, such as climate change, causes individual species to experience these three factors and eventually result in evolution and the development of traits that will help them adapt to their habitat. Zhenhua Lou, Mian Zhao, and several other anthropologists conducted a study of the effects of climate change on the Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys of the Shennongjia area, China. These species, classified as Rhinopithec us roxellana, were examined at the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve because it represented the most eastern population region for this specie. In order to estimate the presumed future distribution of this species, the scientists examined eco-geographic factors including bio-climate habitat (vegetation type, land cover, etc.) and topography of the natural reserved land. These experts used a maximum entropy approach to predict the location distribution of habitats suitable for R. roxella in theShow MoreRelatedCharles Darwin s Theory Of Natural Phenomenon And A Collector Of Specimen Essay853 Words  | 4 Pagesand animals that were similar on different islands with similar climates, so he decided to study them more closely for future study. With the studies Charles Darwin obtained, he published his first work, â€Å"The Origin of Species.†In this book he explained how for millions of years animals and plants have evolved to better help their existence. Charles Darwin, who was the British Naturalist, became famous for his theories of evolution. Darwin believed all the life on earth evolved over millions ofRead MoreClimate Change : The Fossil Record844 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Anthropogenic influences are causing dramatic changes to environmental conditions worldwide. Global mean temperatures are predicted to increase between 0.3 °C to 4.8 °C by the end of the century (IPCC 2014). Precipitation averages are decreasing, polar icecaps are melting, carbon dioxide levels are rising, and oceans are acidifying. Populations must adapt to the new conditions or face extinction. Changes in environmental conditions have occurred throughout earth’s long history, thoughRead MoreEssay about Human Evolution and Adaptation637 Words  | 3 PagesOver the course of evolution, humans have evolved to adapt the ever-changing conditions to improve their chances of surviving. Is there still room for natural evolution or has the time come for us to use our technological innovations and further our development beyond previously thought possible by biological means. Past trends have shown that as time has passed, significant body structures have changed to counteract the changes to our environment. The changes that have been most significant are:Read MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution983 Words  | 4 PagesMost things in science all eventually lead back to one thing, evolution. Evolution has been an interesting topic since mankind could wrap its mind around the concept. Whether one believes in it or not, it is hard to deny the cold hard facts that back up how every being has changed from its original form of life. From plants to humans, everything has adapted and evolved to be able to adjust to climate changes, habitats disappearing, and new predators. All it takes is for one mutated gene to get aRead MoreEvolution : A Scientific Theory1625 Words  | 7 PagesScience Education, evolution is a scientific theory that explains the emergence of new varieties of living things in the past and in the present. Evolution accounts for the striking patterns of similarities and differences among living things over time and across habitats throug h the action of biological processes such as natural selection, mutation, symbiosis, gene transfer, and genetic drift. There has been an ongoing debate between religion and science as to whether evolution truly takes placeRead MoreCharles Darwin s Theory On Evolution Essay1074 Words  | 5 Pagesdid life start, along with the creation of the universe and Earth? Charles Darwin’s theory on evolution, which is called natural selection, is based on the idea of species naturally adapting to their surrounding environment to better the species chances for survival. Creationism, on the other hand, is the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation. Both are theories on life, and how such life came to be thing we all know. It is not the strongest ofRead MoreWhy Should Students Learn Evolution912 Words  | 4 Pagesthe article â€Å"Why should students learn evolution†by Brian J. Alters and Sandra M. Alters, I learned that evolution not only unifies all the areas of science but also permeates into other disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, literature, and the arts. It has had an extensive and expensive impact on human thought. â€Å"Evolution explains the why of nature and has practical considerations that affects day-to-day life†( Brain J, 36). For example, we need evolution to understand bacterial resistance toRead MoreWhat is Evolution? You might think of evolution as a mutational problem, which fits with the1400 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Evolution? You might think of evolution as a mutational problem, which fits with the situation but it is not just that. Evolution is actually the change that appears to happen in a certain population over time. When I say the word â€Å"population†I am saying it is a group of the same species that happens to share the same specific location and habitat. Evolutionary changes often occur all the time near the genetic level. What I am actua lly saying is that evolution is a process that will resultRead MoreEssay on Physical Anthropology: The Link between Human Nature914 Words  | 4 Pages Physical anthropology â€Å"is in large part, human biology seen from an evolutionary perspective†(Jurmaln, Kilgore Trevathan, 2011). By this statement, I believe the authors mean that physical anthropology studies human biology with an evolutionary viewpoint rather than a scientific or medical viewpoint. Anthropology, as a broader science, is concerned with and studies human culture and the evolutionary aspects of human biology. Since culture affects human beings and human beings affect cultureRead MoreCharles Darwin s Theory Of Evolution1737 Words  | 7 PagesThe theory of evolution is one of the great intellectual revolutions of human history, drastically changing our perception of the world and of our place in it. Charles Darwin put forth a coherent theory of evolution and amassed a great body of evidence in su pport of this theory. In Darwin s time, most scientists fully believed that each organism and each adaptation was the work of the creator. Linneaus established the system of biological classification that we use today, and did so in the spirit
Barbarian to Humanist Free Essays
Kimberly Kurata HI 30 Barbarian to Humanist Francois Rabelais wrote, Gargantua in the 16th century as a satirical short story depicting a giant named Gargantua and his transition from his barbaric ways to civilized humanistic way of living. The story takes place during the time of transition from the Medieval Era to the Renaissance. It went from a time of scholasticism and monasticism to a time of humanism and secularism. We will write a custom essay sample on Barbarian to Humanist or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Renaissance gave the modern world secularism, humanism and individualism. Throughout the story we see Gargantua evolve into a respectable and honorable man and Frere Jean as a monk who defies all previous views of who and what a monk is. The story of Gargantua illustrates the transition from scholasticism to humanism and in a satirical account through the lives of Gargantua and Frere Jean’s. Humanism can be defined as the cultural intellectual way of thinking that focuses on human beings exposing themselves to their own potential. This way of thinking emerged during the time of the Renaissance. It was the new movement to broaden an individual’s narrow seeking mind. Scholasticism was the scholarship that went on in monasteries where the tradition was the study and focus on only theological issues. Before humanism rose, scholasticism was the only type of higher education. Scholasticism consisted of memorizing texts and focusing on obscure questions. Humanists criticized and completely rejected this form of living. The humanist’s core value can be summond up in one description by Leonardo DaVinci, â€Å"Luomo Universale†,the universal man is interested in everything, not one thing. Gargantua’s early life can be described as a medieval type of living. He was birthed, â€Å"As a result of that mishap, the cotyledonary veins of the womb were released from above and the child sprang through the midriff (which is situated above the shoulders where the aforesaid vena divides into two) took the left path and emerged through her left ear. [1] The way Gargantua was birthed is a metaphor to the type of world he was being born into. The old way of living was based around the Greek way of thinking. Gargantua’s birth can be paralleled to the classical reference of the birth of many Greek gods. While growing up, Gargantua was shown as a child with barbaric tendencies. His inappropriate ways and signs of pure immaturity can be exemplified when he would, â€Å"drink out of his sli ppers, regularly scratch his belly on wicker work baskets, cut his teeth on his clogs†¦ et off fat farts†¦ shovel the soil back into the ditch†¦ †. [2] In Gargantua’s young mind, one of his greatest achievements was figuring out the best object to wipe his bum with; stupidity, was at an all time high. Gargantua’s ways prove the simplicity and barbarism of his character. One of the main sources of Gargantua’s lack of knowledge at a young age sprouted from his first tutor, Magister Thubal Holofernes whose intelligence, or lack of intelligence, focused around the Scholaticism movement. He taught Gargantua his ABC so well that he could recite it by heart backwards. He spent five years and three months over that. †[3] The chief concern of of the Scholastics such as Holofernes, was not to learn new facts but to it integrate the knowledge already acquired by the Greeks. This example is also connected to monasticism because Rabelais is poking fun at the fact that the monks would sit in solitude for years and just memorize the Bible’s text, a tradition that humanists completely rejected. These traditional doctrines and way of living were useless and repetitive. This skill – reciting the alphabet backwards – was a satirical swipe at scholasticism’s knowledge for knowledge’s sake. Finally Gargantua’s father, Grandgousier, came to realize the lack of knowledge his son had when a young page named Eudemon embarrassed Gargantua, who was â€Å"an ideal Renaissance youth, clean, healthy, skilled in Latin and at elegant speaking, but his rhetoric is more eloquent than truthful in his praise of the young giant. [4] After the young page praised Gargantua so beautifully, Gargantua’s, â€Å"behavior was merely to a blubber like a cow and hide his face in his bonnet. †[5] With that, the decision was made that Gargantua would go to France and learn the new ways of classicism. This signified not only the transition of Gargantua from medieval and scholastic ways, but all of Europe’s transition to ways of humanism. Once in Paris , Gargantua made drastic improvements in education with his new tutor Ponocrates. At first, Ponocrates decided to observe Gargantua and the activities he partook in on a normal day. Seeing Gargantua’s daily routine and how useless his old education had made him, Ponocrates realized he had no time to spare with Gargantua’s narrow-scholastic mind. Ponacrates way of teaching could be seen as the way he disciplined Gargantua’s mind. He made Gargantua clear his mind of anything he learned from previous tutors, and fill it with the new humanistic subjects of learning. To start off, Gargantua was awoke every morning around four am, â€Å"While he was being rubbed down, a passage of the Holy Scripture was read out to him, loud and clear†¦ Gargantua would often devote himself to revering, worshipping, supplicating and adoring God in his goodness, whose majesty and marvelous judgements were revealed by the reading. †[6] This shows one of the major components of humanism, the balance between religious and secular views. Humanism was indeed against most religious traditions but it was not against God and the belief in God. Humanism was focused on the human being reaching his or her full potential in all aspects of life. Focusing on one skill or talent was cutting an individual short; being well-rounded was glorified and stressed with humanists. Striving to become his or her best whether it was the simple task of getting dressed in the morning. â€Å"[Gargantua] was dressed, combed, brushed, perfumed and made elegant, during which time yesterday’s lessons were gone over with him. He would recite them by heart and base on them some practical matters concerning our human condition; they might extend it to some two or three hours but normally stopped once he was fully dressed. †[7] The distinction between the two educations in Gargantua’s case are clear. Gargantua accomplished more in the first three hours of waking up in this new humanistic way of living, than he did in probably a week or two with scholasticism. Gargantua mastered subjects such as arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. â€Å"As regards to musical instruments, he learnt to play the lute, the spinet, the harp, both the traverse and the nine holed flutes, the viola and the sackbut. †[8] The arts were a huge part of the Renaissance, and being able to play all of those instruments is tangible evidence that his knowledge and intelligence is growing in more than one area. The second half of Gargantua’s story is brought back to his homeland. Gargantua travels back and meets a monk named Frere Jean. Frere Jean was not an ordinary monk. Monks during the Middle Ages were seen as spiritually minded men who withdrew themselves from society. Their life consisted of praying, religious exercise and works of charity. Monks were the center of scholasticism, being the only ones who could read and write. Some would isolate and withdraw themselves from society. They felt that society contained too much evil and sin to live in. Because of their isolation, when put in a situation where they needed to defend themselves, they ran away in fear. [9] Yet, when Frere Jean was put in a situation where he was captured by enemy guards and needed to escape, he faced the situation with bravery and, â€Å"struck the archer who was holding him on his right, entirely severing the sphagitid arteries in the neck – his jugular veins – together with the uvula down to the thyroid glands†¦ †[10] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. The Histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel. [Harmondsworth, Middlesex]: Penguin, 1955. 226. Print. [2] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. †(243). [3] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. †(251). [4] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. †(252). [5] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. †(254). [6] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. †(279). [7] Rabelais, Francois. â €Å"Gargantua. †(279). [8] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. †(281). [9] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. †(293). [10] Rabelais, Francois. â€Å"Gargantua. †(339). How to cite Barbarian to Humanist, Essay examples
Climax Community free essay sample
An area of the forest that experiences very little change in species composition is a climax community/primary succession. Climax community 2. The amount of oxygen in a fish tank is a tolerance zone/limiting factor that affects the number of fish that can live in the tank. Limiting factor 3. Ecological succession/Secondary succession describes the events that take place on a hillside that has experienced a destructive mudslide. Ecological succession 4. Lack of iron in the photic zone of the open ocean restricts the size of the plankton populations. Iron is what kind of factor for marine plankton? C. limiting 5. According to the graph, which letter represents the zone of tolerance for the factor in question? D. D 6. What does the letter â€Å"D†in the graph represent? A. zone of tolerance 7. Which letter represents the zone of physiological stress? C. C 8. Which is a place you most likely would find pioneer species growing? D. We will write a custom essay sample on Climax Community or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page newly formed volcano 9. Career in Biology A state parks and wildlife department stocks several bodies of water, including rivers and lakes, with rainbow trout. The trout survive, but do not reproduce. In terms of tolerance, discuss what might be happening. They maybe limited by the temperature of the water they live in. 10. Short Answer Describe how the successional stages would differ from primary succession. 11. Open Ended Explain why the concepts of limiting factors and tolerance are important in ecology. They are important because theses factor might help explain why the population of a species is decreasing or increasing. 12. Infer whether species diversity increases or decreases after a fire on a grassland. Explain your response. Increase because after a fire perennial grasses and herb are not eliminated to their underground stem, which means that the wildlife will continue to flourish. 13. Generalize the difference between a successional stage and a climax community. 14. The condition of the atmosphere. Weather 15. The average conditions in an area. Climate 16. A biome characterized by evaporating exceeding precipitation. Desert 17. Which best describes the distribution of communities on a tall mountain? B. Several communities might be stratified according to altitude and might end in an ice field at the top of the highest mountains. 8. Which area receives the least amount of solar energy per unit of surface area? 19. What is the name for the large geographic areas with similar climax communities? Which biome occurs in the United States and once contained huge herds of grazing herbivores? C. grassland 21. Which land biome contains the greatest species diversity? D. tropical rain forest 22. Open Ended Describe a biome that might be found in the shaded are below. Tropical seasonal forest would be a biome that might be found in the shaded area. 3. Open Ended In December 2004, a huge iceberg caused a large number of penguin chicks to die of starvation. Ice shelves broke apart in areas where the air temperature increased. The parents of the penguins cut off their food source. How is this an example of temperature limiting factor. The air temperature increased which caused the penguins to die stopping the numbers and distribution. 24. Suggest why land biomes are classified according to their plant characteristics rather than according to the animal that inhabit them. I think they are classified by plants and not animals because the kind of plants growing there will determine what type of animal would survive in the area. 25. Classify a biome that is warm to hot in the summer and cool or cold in the winter and that receives approximately 50-8 cm of precipitation annually. Temperate grassland. 26. A(n) area where freshwater and saltwater meet provides a habitat for a diversity of organisms. An estuary provides a habitat for a diversity of organisms. 27. The well-lit portion of the ocean is the area where all of the photosynthetic organisms live. The limnetic zone is the area where all of the photosynthetic organisms live. 28. The shoreline of the ocean contains communities that are layered depending on how long they are submerged by tides. The intertidal zone contains communities that are layered depending on how long they are submerged by tides. 29. Where is the largest percentage of water located? C. oceans 30. In which area of the lake is there likely to be the greatest diversity of plankton? Which best describes the intertidal zone on rocky shore? B. he communities are adapted to shifting sands due to incoming waves 32. Short Answer How is light a limiting factor in oceans? As depth increases light decreases so organisms that require light to survive are unable to live in the cold, dark areas of oceans. 33. Short Answer Describe characteristics of an estuary. A place of transition from freshwater to saltwater and from land to sea. 34. Open Ended Describe adaptations of an organism living in the abyssal zone of the ocean. They had to adapt to the cold temperature also make an adaptation to the type of food they eat.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Essay About Faction Prayer In Public Schools Example For Students
Essay About Faction Prayer In Public Schools Should a Catholic school be reimbursed by the state for school supplies?Should there be time set aside in school for kids to pray? These are some ofthe many questions the U.S. Supreme Court asks themselves when they areconfronted with cases involving religion in school. Although there are somesound supporting arguments for prayer in school, the opposing argumentsmore than justify the non-religious atmosphere of public school. Supportingarguments for In School Prayer have little validity. For instance one argumentis that the framers of the constitution were religious, so they didnt mean toprohibit all government sponsored prayer or acknowledgment of GOD. Thisis assuming one way just to be in favor of the In School Prayer idea. Pro-Prayer activists also believe that it is VERY important for the nationschildren to have religious values instilled in them. I strongly disagree with thisstatement solely because they are assuming that someone without a religionhas lower or no values as compared to a religious person. Valid arguments onthis side of the issue are rare, but they do exist. One example is that in publicpolls, seventy-eight percent of the nations thinks prayer in public schools is agood idea. This logical at first, but the truth is many polls convey the notionthat voluntary prayer before, after, and during school is forbidden. Anotherargument addresses the fact that religion is already everywhere anyway. It ison our currency, our leaders are sworn into office with reference to GOD,and our flag salute also contains religious statements. These are good points toaddress, however, I believe they are wrong as well. Two wrongs dont makea right. Opposing arguments are a lot more convincing than the supporting points. First of all, students have the right to conduct religious practices onschool property, so there is no need to set aside specific time in the curriculumfor prayer. Secondly, how could a school have prayer without segregatingpeople into religious and non-religious groups? Finally, prayer serves nopurpose in a school curriculum, some may argue that it helps to teach goodhabits, but there are many other ways to teach good habits than just religion. On a closing note, In School Prayer has its supporters and opposers. Mypersonal opinion is obviously that this is a completely ludicrous notion anddoesnt have any substantial support for it. Category: Social Issues
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Toronto Blue Jayss Case Study Essay Example For Students
Toronto Blue Jayss Case Study Essay Toronto Blue JaysIssue The Toronto Blue Jays baseball team was founded in the 1970s and experienced support from the fans during the 1970s and 1980s. In 1992 and 1993, the Jays won back-to-back World Series, yet in 1994, the team faced setbacks. The team had a losing streak, there was a major league baseball strike, and no World Series was played. At the same time, gambling came to Toronto, and the team had to compete for the fans time. Also, players salaries skyrocketed at a time when the Canadian dollar fell in value. How could the Toronto Blue Jays adjust ticket prices to improve financial performance and increase fan attendance?Situation AnalysisThe opening pitch of the 1999 marks the start of the Toronto Blue Jays twenty third seasons in the American League. In 1998, the Jays brought in their first winning season since 1993. The Jays plays in the worlds most advanced retractable-roof stadium. It is luxuriously called the Sky Dome. With a winning record like this and a state of t he art stadium, the Jays feel their tickets are a great value because of the satisfaction fans can expect to receive from the ball game. We will write a custom essay on Toronto Blue Jayss Case Study specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now RecommendationPrice is that which is given up in an exchange to acquire a good or service. Price is typically the money exchanged for the good or service. Blue Jays pricing structure is based on the perceived value of the game, the entertainment, the love of baseball, and the action, not just the money. Inelastic demand means that an increase or decrease in price will not significantly affect demand for the product. In spite of the rising prices for the Blue Jays tickets, fans were expected to turn out in large numbers. This inelastic demand for the tickets can be attributed in large part of the fact that their teams plays so well in 1998, and another factor is that the Blue Jays fan could never stay away from their team. Another inelastic demand for the Blue Jays tickets is that there is no other locally substitute team. Blue Jays pricing strategies are not just a financial necessity, they are also a promotional tool used to increase fan attendance. How? At all Saturday home game an d nonholiday games, senior citizens and young people up to fourteen years old can purchase tickets except for the most expensive ones. Season ticket holders receive special benefits like same seat for every game. Group tickets also receive special treatment like preferred seating. Besides the ticket sale that generates a big portion of the Blue Jays revenue, merchandising is another factor for generating revenue. What pricing Staregy are they using? The blue Jays merchandising use a prestige pricing strategy, charging high prices helps promote the Jays high quality image. In conclusion, we can say the inelastic demand and the prestige pricing of the merchandise are fueled by the success of the ball team. Business
Friday, March 6, 2020
Winston Churchill2 essays
Winston Churchill2 essays Winston Churchill was born in 1874 and died, aged ninety, in 1965. He was active in British politics for almost sixty years and was twice Prime Minister. He was a soldier, an artist, a historian, and a journalist, as well as a politician. He was a man of great mental energy, of vivid imagination, and powerful ambition. He was frequently the center of stormy political activity; criticism and abuse were often showered upon him. But he died respected and mourned not only by his own nation, but by the world, for which he had done so much when he led the fight against Nazi tyranny and refused to surrender or to despair of victory. (Gilbert 13) On November 30, 1874, Winston Spencer Churchill was born to Lord Randolph Churchill and Jennie Churchill at Blenheim Palace. In 1888, he was placed in Harrow School. At the end of his first year at Harrow, the boys grades were still the lowest in his class. Reluctantly his father gave up any notion of Winstons following in his own footsteps. Remembering his sons passion for playing at war, Lord Randolph asked him if he was still interested in the army. Winston was delighted over the thought that his father recognized his military genius. The sad truth that his father considered him hopeless in any other field never occurred to the self-assured lad. (Manchester 13) He was then sent to Sandhurst, a Royal Military Academy, in 1893. He joined the army and began selling articles to the Daily Graphic. In 1898, his first book, The Malakand Field Force, was published. The next year he resigned from the army to enter politics. July 6, 1899 Churchill lost his first election as a Conservative candidate. When the Boer War broke out, the London Morning Post sent Churchill as a reporter. A month after arriving in South Africa he was captured by the Boers but made a daring escape. When he returned to England in 1900 he ran for election again and won. Enterin...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
What is the relationship between text messaging and literacy Research Paper
What is the relationship between text messaging and literacy - Research Paper Example t the exposure to text messaging and their counterparts who do not have access to SMS might be contributing, positively, to the literacy skills development among 9 to 10-year-old-children (Wood 35). Furthermore, past studies analyzed by Verheijen report a positive correlation between the use of SMS and literacy levels among users (Verheijen 588). Belying the findings of these studies, however, is the viewpoint among older generation researchers and academicians that text messaging has negative correlations to improving learning skills among users. They argue that text messaging has contributed detrimental implications on learners as opposed to its emphasized importance by recent researchers. They present counterarguments justifying their disapproval of the importance of text messaging on learning. They cite the negative implications of technology on learners as justification to their opposing viewpoints to the debate while attributing the effect of text messaging. Text messaging affe cts literacy positively by encouraging open discussions and communication. Although older generation researchers and academicians argue that technological developments in communication have detrimental implications on the youth and future generations, it is justifiable that text messaging has a positive influence on literacy levels by encouraging communication and open discussion. Worldwide text messaging is a popular activity and the number of text messages sent continues to enlarge. In Wood’s analysis of the situation, he says, â€Å"texting supports spelling development amongst children because they get to understand abbreviations and the words they represent†. The use of the texting abbreviations leads to phonological awareness and processing and this result to spelling. On the other hand, not all the children who are good in spelling are capable of using creative ‘textisms’. Thus, rehearsal of such creative text slangs and the words they represent is a beneficial skill. If
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Oceanographt- Chapter 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Oceanographt- Chapter 11 - Essay Example However, their individual inertias keep them apart so that they cannot smash or interfere with each other’s orbiting track. In addition, I have also learnt that, tides’ forces similar to wind can be useful in energy production, though this venture has not received adequate funding and implementation. This is especially in US, where despite Roosevelt outlining benefits, which the state can attain from utilizing tides’ energy, the regime during then failed to embrace this idea. The state refused funding the venture despite seeing its benefits in France, though US regime’s then decline was due to differences emanating from its parties’ varying policies held by each side. The excerpt contends that, among the numerous benefits, which the state utilize tides; the dominant encompasses traditional shipping though presently there are improvements. Since, they have resulted to utilizing diesel driven equipments that are faster than traditional yachts. The intriguing aspect encompasses how tidal friction leads to the slowing of earth’s turning. Since, the daily action of these tides normally entails immense energy expenditure, which in turn dissipates it as heat; hence, slowing earth turning by hundredths of a second in every century. Consequently, this has prompted the earlier one year that had approximately between 400 to 410 days to reduce as well as its day duration, which presently comprise of long days. This is because the moon faces one side, hence prompting one day in the moon to be almost a month comparable to earthly time. It is also intriguing how tides’ actions array aquatic lives forms into diverse categories according to their species and size. This is evident in the chapter’s illustration depicting grunion at the shore though proven scientists’ studies contend this is a process of this fish’s species
Monday, January 27, 2020
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: An Overview
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: An Overview Substructures are anything constructed below DPC or ground floor level for example foundations or cellar floors on social housing or even tunnels for commercial use. Substructure legislations include the town and country planning legislation, Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 and COSHH. The Town and Country Planning legislation means that the towns and developments will be planned appropriately and safely bearing in mind fellow housing owners that may be affected by any developments. Planning is necessary to ensure that the buildings and the environment is safe, secure and happy amongst the public. Local authorities are responsible through their planning committees to decide whether a new building or an alteration to an existing building is needed and suitable. Planning permission is not always required, for example internal alterations or work which does not change the appearance of the outside of a property does not require planning permission. Extending or altering the shape of a building, planning permission will be required and if failed to apply for or have a planning application you may risk having the building demolished by the council or planning committee. Some developments even make sure that other property owners are happy by keeping fencing a certain he ight and shape for them not to contact planning permission. Some old fashioned houses may also be affected by this legislation as you may not be legally allowed to put a new, modern, contemporary house in an old, vintage village or near any other old existing houses as it does not fit in or the neighbours may have objected. This legislation applies before construction as you have to apply for planning permission before a building is built to see whether it fits in, it is safe and suitable for the location and the public however during construction it also applies as housing developers apply for planning permission on site for temporary roads or compounds to help planning committees keep the existing properties safe and happy too. The Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 means that you should promote, stimulate and encourage high standards of health and safety in places of work. It protects employees and the public from work activities that may cause danger to them in that very moment or in the future. Everyone must abide by the act or you may be prosecuted for not doing so if someone has an injury because of you. The act means that the employers have a duty of ensuring that there employees are safe and secure within the work place. Depending on the type of work place you must wear protection, for instance if the job is construction related the employer must provide you with PPE like a hard hat, steel toe cap boots and a hi-vis. They must also ensure that all your equipment and materials are safe, handled well and have had recent services and lastly they must provide you with training, supervision or simply a site induction which includes details of your job, the health and safety on site and the site rules. Site managers or your employer must provide a written safety policy or risk assessment and depending on your age a young persons risk assessment. Employees objectives are to take care of their own health and safety, and that of others, cooperate with their employer and not to interfere with anything provided in the interest of health and safety. A HSE is a health and safety executive, this person observes and monitors the site under strict instructions and guidelines under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. If the HSE are unhappy they are allowed to shut the site down completely. They have the right to have entry, close the site, see documents and take copies, size substances and ask questions. They even produce an improvement or prohibition notice. Both employers and employees may face prosecution if the site is unfit by the HSE. This act applies before construction as the employer has to provide everyone with PPE, inspect the site to see if it is safe before construction star ts and set up risk assessments and first aid boxes however during construction this applies as the employer doesnt want any accidents or illnesses on site, they would like the PPE to protect their workers, the equipment to be safe, serviced and used well, the fences to protect the public and the vehicles have reversing sirens to protect everyone. COSHH stands for the control of substances hazardous to health. COSHH covers any chemicals used on site for instance adhesive glues or paint thinners. Every chemical that is used on site must have a risk assessed by the site manager on behalf of the COSHH act. The regulations recommend that you do a risk assessment, decide what precautions are needed for example PPE, prevent or control exposure for example dust masks or gloves, ensure that control measures are maintained and used, monitor exposure through measurements, carry out regular health tests for example blood tests, prepare plans and procedures if an accident was to occur and ensure the employees are properly informed and trained usually by the HSE. A prime example of a hazardous substance is asbestos which is now banned due to the harm it does to your body when inhaled. The fibres within the material are the parts of the asbestos that are dangerous. Some products require careful control like the extraction of asbestos like s ome foam product instillations. This act applies before construction as the site manager needs to know if there is any products already on the site that may need to be removed or a risk assessment done for them however during construction it still applies as the chemicals and materials brought on site during the build may be hazardous too and may need to be risk assessed. Superstructures are all the elements visible above the substructure level for example a multi storey building, a social house or even a sky scraper. Superstructure legislations include Building regulations, RIDOR and Construction design management regulations 2008. Building regulations apply in England and wales and these promote standards for most aspects of a buildings construction process, energy efficiency in buildings, the needs of all people even including the disabled. The regulations apply to most new buildings, and many alterations of existing buildings, whether domestic, commercial or industrial. The types of work that do need to comply with the building regulations is the erection or extension of a building, the installation or extension of a service or fitting which is controlled under the regulations, an alteration involving work which will temporarily or permanently affect the on-going compliance of the building, service or fitting with the requirements relating to structure, fire, or access to and use of buildings, the insertion of insulation into a cavity wall and the underpinning of the foundations of a building. All buildings within this list must meet the requirements as they are for danger purposes for example a fire escape and air supplies for the combustion for some appliances. The main requirements come in 14 parts: Part A Structure Part B Fire safety Part C Site preparation and resistance to moisture Part D Toxic substances Part E Resistance to the passage of sound Part F Ventilation Part G Hygiene Part H Drainage and waste disposal Part J Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems Part K Protection from falling, collision and impact Part L Conservation of fuel and power Part M Access to and use of buildings Part N Glazing safety in relation to impact, opening and cleaning Part P Electrical safety This regulation applies before construction as the planning department need to put in the fire escapes e.t.c.. however during construction it still applies as the building regs managers or the HSE may test the products to see if they meet the standards. RIDDOR stands for reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations. RIDDOR covers deaths, major injuries; accidents resulting in an over-three-day injury, diseases, dangerous occurrences and gas accidents. If an accident did happen an accident investigation must be done as it is a legal requirement under the RIDDOR regulations. If a member of public is hurt or killed the HSE must be informed. Over three days injuries must be reported to the HSE too. When you report the injuries under RIDDOR you must issue the date and time, a brief description of what happened, put the name and address of the person injured and the date and method of reporting. The injuries listed as RIDDOR are fractures other than fingers, thumbs or toes, amputation, dislocation of shoulder, hip, knee or spine, loss or sight temporarily or permanently and chemical or hot metal burns to the eye that is penetrating. This regulation applies before construction as the site manger may need to write o ut methods of what to do in the event of certain injuries however during construction this will carry on as the site manager may need to write a report after an injury or inform the HSE. Construction design and management regulations 2008 aim to reduce the large numbers of serious, fatal accidents and cases of ill health which occur in construction. CDM places responsibilities on key members such as the design and management teams to keep the projects running safely and smoothly. CDM duties are to select and appoint a planning supervisor and principal contractor that will both allocate adequate resources for health and safety, be satisfied that the designers and contractors arrange for work to be done smoothly and safely, provide the planning supervisor with information on health and safety and ensure the health and safety files are up to date and construction starts and ends well. This regulation applies before construction as the planning, contractors and site managers need to organise whos doing what and when however during they must all make sure it is running as they planned without any health and safety risks.
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